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Session: Building For A Post-mobile World
Speaker: Jeff Eaton
Twitter: eaton eaton
Day - Time Slot: Tuesday, May 21 - 03:15pm–04:15pm
Mobile is today’s crisis
- Users see their devices as different windows on the same content, not entirely different containers.
- Mobile is primary internet access for 15% of adults, 25% of teens. Can they see your content? Source
- 45% of mobile usage happens at home
- 90% of people split tasks between mobile and desktop devices
- People find news on desktop in the morning at home and read it on the train on their phones
- 68% avoid desktop site if mobile site breaks
- Apps are not a silver bullet
- High cost. Feature-rich mobile apps cost 50–150k, but 60% are never downloaded.
RWD(Responsive Web Design)
- Ever increasing number of breakpoints. More than iPhone, iPad, and Desktop
- How do you drag a Google glass?
- How do you capture a hard stare(Google Glass).
- TV’s are not mobile but they have browsers that pretend to be mobile
- 46 Million Xbox live users
Multi-channel publishing
- You have an app and a website… No you have many more channels.
- Links shared on mobile devices
- Email: Many different constraints
- Data feeds for partner sites
- API’s
- Search
- Social
Forked Content Doesn’t scale
- As channels multiply we maintain the many versions of the content
- Content creators can’t keep up
- One solution is to hire more people
- Another is to cut back on content that is created
- “Maintaining tailored content for each device and channel is unsustainable.” Jason Pontin
- Adapting to new channels is an old problem: CD ROMs, and online services
- We don’t know what the next thing is
- Plan for the future or pay to rebuild
There is a Solution
- Rather than focusing primarily on presentation, ensure that content is accurate and available. Digital Government
- How people are repurposing government data like spending
- Large enterprise businesses
- Technical writers
- News media (NPR’s COPE)
Manage one pool of content
- Create once publish everywhere (now moving to CAPE, create anywhere publish everywhere)
- NPR has a ton of channels.(Desktop, mobile, iPhone, Android, Partner, Microsite, Youtube, Social)
- Rich meta data is included when their content is linked on social networks.
Structure content for remixing
- Chucks vs. Blobs(design separated from content)
- Drupal has structured data, field api, and entity api for example.
- No formatting. Stories are not modeled after a page layout.
- Structured content can be put together in interesting ways.
- Well-structured content is like a tangram puzzle: simple elements can be rearranged to form many shapes.
Decouple content, presentation
- End points get content from the API
Cost effective
- NPR doubled their online audience in 12 months
How do we do this in Drupal
- Model what you have not how you want to display it
- Know why each element matters
- Learn from DBA’s and markup purists
- Kill the dreaded “iPhone field”
- Test models with multiple channels
- Model meaning on layout
- If writers are writing titles that are too long on iPhone make a short title field not a iPhone field. Then it will work on device * in the future
- Protect your assets. Protect the content you will need in 5 years.
- Structural content. Can be a taxonomy. The date on an episode(Tech Guy Labs)
- Presentational content: Slideshows. Driven by design, Ephemeral stuff.
- Incremental approach
- Expose and use content feeds. Great way to get started quickly.
- RSS feeds
- JSON feeds with views and views datasource
- Services module
- Consume feeds
- Drupal 8!
- TWIG! Can render templates in the browser on the client side
- It privileges the device of the editor
- Dreamweaver fields kill reuse
- Visual layout runs the same risk(Spark and Panelizer). Privileges the device of the editor
- Limit allowed tags, watch for abuse
Editors are most important users
- Tailor tools for tasks and workflows
- Let them control priority, emphasis
- Don’t force them to be designers(Make sure you follow the style guide!)
- Plan for long term maintenance
- Reuse, don’t fork your content
- Put purpose and structure first
- Separate asset from presentation
- Expose content to drive new channels