Issue 109 October 24th, 2013
News Drupal 7 Upgrade Going Live, Prospective Launch Date And Downtime
If launch blocking issues are at zero on the 28th of October then the Drupal 7 upgrade will begin on Thursday, the 31st of October. They mention that will be down for 24 hours. During this time will be replaced by a static site. Other sites such as will not be affected.
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Move Logic To The Front End With Angularjs
Lullabot’s Juan Pablo Novillo Requena explains how and why you might want to considering moving logic from the server to the browser.
Open Atrium 2 – “Proudly Invented Elsewhere”
Dropping Forward
Larry Garfield weighs in on Backdrop and many concerns about Drupal 8. A must read.
Drupal 8
Seven Style Guide Update
Check out the style guide for the Seven theme in Drupal 8. It’s great to see so much effort being put into helping Drupal on the design front. It’s looking slick.
This Week In Drupal Core: October 16th 2013
Componentized Drupal
Drupal 8 Core maintainer Nathaniel Catchpole explains why and how Drupal 8 adopted Symfony2 components on the Drupal Watchdog blog.
How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Drupal 8
Ken Rickard of Palantir covers some to the awesomeness that is Drupal 8.
Next Steps For How Acquia Plans To Give Back To Drupal 8
Dries outlines Acquia’s contributions to Drupal and plans for more contributions in the future.
Tutorial: Drupal 8 WYSIWYG, Inline and Responsive Images
The New .editorconfig File in Drupal 8
Drupal 8 - New Comment Notifications
Chris Hertzog shares how to set up comment notifications on a Drupal 8 site.
The Symfony app/console for Drupal by Jesus Manuel Olivas & David Flores. DrupalAppConsole is a commandline tool that will create the scaffolding of a Drupal module.
Modules And Themes Removed From Core In Drupal 8
A list of modules and themes have been removed from Drupal 8 core. Bye bye Garland, PHP filter, and Trigger!
Drupal 8 Twig Template Engine
Ruben Teijeiro continues his Drupal 8 series with an example of creating templates for his Bingo module.
(Un)Wrap Your Field Content
How To Login As Any User In Drupal Site?
Drush is the way, drush uli to be specific. This will change you day.
Here Is My .vimrc File for mvim
For all the Vim users out there. I’m getting closer to switching to Vim. Just sayin.
How to Build a WordPress Blog in Drupal
OSTraining shows you how easy it is to replicate Wordpress functionality in Drupal. Yep, I said it.
Cool Module: TableField
Check out Web Omelette’s intro to TableField module that makes attaching a table, as a field, to any entity easy.
Automating New Dev Sites For New Branches
Advomatic share their automated Drupal sites development workflow. If you do Drupal development be sure to at least give this a glance.
How to Track Site Search Queries in Drupal
Ivan Zugec of Web Wash explains how track search queries in a few ways using different modules.
Content Editing Goodies In Open Atrium 2
DrupalCamp MI: Secure Your Site
Be sure and check out Matt Farina’s slides from his talk at DrupalCamp Michigan. I wish there was video of his talk but the slides are worth a look anyway.
Drupal 8 Won’t Kill Your Kittens: Part 4 of 4 - Module Upgrades And More - Acquia Podcast
DrupalEasy Podcast 116: Bad Part of Town
Features 7.x–2.0
I’ve been using the 2.x branch of Features for a while now and I highly recommend it.
Aegir 2.0-rc5
Commons 7.x–3.4
Google_analytics 7.x–1.4
Simplenews 7.x–1.1
Casetracker 7.x–2.0-alpha2
Context 7.x–3.0
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