The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week


Drupal 7.24 and 6.29 Released

Important security fixes.

SA-CORE–2013–003 - Drupal Core - Multiple Vulnerabilities

Make sure you read this before you upgrade to Drupal core 7.24 / 6.29.

Drupal 8.0-alpha6

Alpha 6 was released as a hot-fix to alpha5 to fix problems on Windows.

From Our Sponsor

News Change Record Issue Field Data Loss

The change record “Issues” field was inadvertently converted to a single-value field during the Drupal 7 upgrade. Work is being done to restore the functionality and data

Making the Theme BlueCheese More Open

DA Executive Director Holly Ross discusses making the theme publicly available as well as the legal issues around this.

Google Code-In 2013 Started, Students Now Available, More Tasks Needed!

Google Code-In is a contest for pre-college students with the goal of teaching them how to contribute to open-source software projects. Sounds cool!

Drupal Association Board Meeting: 2014 Leadership Plan and Budget Approved

Holly Ross shares the DA’s 2014 Leadership Plan, Budget, and Budget Narrative(all publicly available on Google Docs). If you are interested in the big changes that the DA is planning be sure and check out the webinar on December 2nd.

Looking for Drupal 6 Security Maintainers

Dries put the call out for Drupal 6 security maintainers this week. The shear number of Drupal 6 sites points to the need.


5 Steps to Build a Great Drupal Team: Step 2: Define Your Requirements

Acquia’s Heather James shares how to define your requirements when building a Drupal team in part two of this series. Great article.

Drupal 8


A cool site that’s highlighting Drupal 8 tweets.

Change notice: Migration API in Core

The first Migrate in core patch!

This (Two) Weeks in Drupal Core: November 20th 2013

The latest Drupal 8 news.


Get Display Node Id For A Commerce Product

Another great Drupal snippet from for working with Drupal Commerce products.

Use The Full Power Of Drush

A handful of great Drush tips in this post by Artyom Miroshnik on the Propeople blog. Seriously, if you aren’t using Drush you really are doing it the hard way.

Getting to Done Faster with Drush and PHP

Bryce Fisher-Fleig offers some handy Drush eval and PHP CLI tips that you will find handy.

Function Tracing with XDebug

A good starting point for anyone new to using XDebug with Drupal from Mike Milano.

Learn How To Add Custom Validation To An Existing Drupal Form

Adding validation to a Drupal form is one of those tasks you will need to do from time to time. Blair Wadman explains how it is done.

Form Altering Node Add/Edit Forms

So you’ve used hook_form_alter quite a bit right? Aten’s Ryan Kois explains why and how you should use hook_form_BASE_FORM_ID_alter() or hook_form_FORM_ID_alter() in some cases.

Using Drush to Manage a Drupal Site

A nice intro to Drush and some handy commands, even for those with Drush experience.

Drupal Menu Permissions Explained

OSTraining has posted a good as well as short intro to Drupal menu permissions for those new to Drupal.


4 Modules That Help You Integrate Your Drupal Site with Twitter

Ivan Zugec of WebWash shows us 4 Drupal Twitter modules that you can use to add Twitter integration to your site. If you need to embed tweets or post to Twitter from Drupal be sure and check this out.


Drupalcamp Atlanta Session Video

There are quite a few sessions worth watching. To many to mention.


Upgrading Drupalize.Me - Podcast

Meet Yves Chedemois - Part 1 - Drupal Community Funding - Acquia Podcast

What’s New with #AberdeenCloud with Aaron Porter - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Aaron Porter of AberdeenCloud(hosting sponsor of TheWeeklyDrop) was a guest on the Modules Unraveled Podcast. They have big plans but you will have to listen to learn more.


Aeigr 1.11

Security and bug fixes.


Chris Shattuck, Creator of BuildAModule - Reddit AMA

Chris is one of my favorite people in the Drupal community. In this AMA he shares how he manages in addition to many other interesting topics


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Published by Bob Kepford

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