Issue 122 - January, 23rd 2014
Drupal 7.26 and 6.30 Released
This is a security release so be sure that you read the Security advisories and upgrade to 7.26/6.30.
Ama: I'm Dries Buytaert, Project Lead of Drupal
A nice table layout of the Dries AMA. Great questions and candid answers.
This Year in Drupal Core (2013)
A great look at 2013 from xjm and webchick.
Predictions for 2014
The Drupal community shares opinions on 2014. Don't be share, share your own predictions.
From Our Sponsor

Mediacurrent: Preparing for a Drupal Website Redesign
Our latest eBook "Preparing for a Drupal Website Redesign” is a great guide for planning your site the "right way" and ensuring it's built for long-term success. With Drupal 8 coming out this year, 2014 is going to be a big year for everyone in the Drupal community. As always, our team is ready to provide you with expert consulting, create helpful digital marketing ideas, and get you on schedule to make 2014 successful for your company.
Bernt’s Drupal Gotchas
A nice list of things developers new to Drupal get tripped up by Bernt Andreas Drange of Wunderkraut.
Drupal 8
Check out DrupalCores by Eric J. Duran. It lists all of the Drupal 8 committers with a cool pie chart.
Fixing Contrib Javascript
Théodore Biadala is trying to fix Javascript in Drupal. This is yeoman's work and I'm so glad it is being given attention.
The Language System Has Been Converted to OOP
[Policy] Drupal and PSR-0/PSR-4 Class Loading
Good and well reasoned decision on PSR-4 from Dries and the D8 core maintainers. Drupal 8 will use PSR-4 for modules but not until beta 1 is down to a few beta blocking issues.
Debugging Drush Commands with Xdebug and Phpstorm
Lullabot's Angus Mak shares how he used Xdebug and PHPStorm to do deeper debugging than can be done with dpm().
Display Custom View Modes on Individual Nodes Using Display Suite
Ivan Zugec shares a cool aspect of the Display Suite Extras module on Web Wash.
Drush Self Aliases - Ohthehugemanatee
Using Hook_Menu to Capture Custom Menus in Code
Bryce Fisher-Fleig dives deep into hook_menu().
Using the Drupal 7 Form API States System to Create Conditions Between Form Elements
Wunderkraut's Daniel Sipos demonstrates how to use Drupal 7 Form API's states system to create dependencies between form elements.
Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-2.12
Commons 7.x-3.8
Drupal 7.26
Inline_Entity_Form 7.x-1.5
Metatag 7.x-1.0-Beta9
Omega 7.x-4.2
Openchurch 7.x-1.11-Beta16
Variable 7.x-2.4
Zariz on Tv(Drupal + Static Site Generator) [49:50]
If you are interested in static sites watch this video. Amitai Burstein talks to Jam about the Zariz project. Zariz brings version control into the content space and brings Drupal into the static site space.
Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 2 - Acquia Podcast
Drupal Dev Days EU - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Global Sprint Days - Podcast
Florida Drupalcamp 2014
March 8th, 2014 at Florida Technical College in Orlando, Florida.
Drupal Developer Days Szeged 2014
March 24th - 30th in Szeged, Hungary
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