Issue 123 - January, 30th 2014
Fresh back from SANDCamp here is what has happened this week in Drupal land.News
Drupal 8.0-Alpha8
The Future of Development
A new server was purchased for OpenStack deployment and in the future plans are being made to integrate with Jenkins, Puppet, Vagrant and OpenStack. Team Week Notes #19
An update on progress on the upgrade and much more.
Drupal Association Board Meeting: January 15, 2014
Holly Ross provides a summary of the latest DA Board meeting which includes info about DA staffing, Fourth Quarter 2013 Financials, Marketing Committee,, and a European Office.
From Our Sponsor

45 Modules in 45 Minutes
Did you know there are over 7,000 extensions for Drupal 7. You’re an expert Drupalist, but sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to evaluate every module! In this webinar, we are going to run through 45 of the best and most popular modules in 45 minutes. We’ll cover when and where to use each module, the highlights of each and any "pitfalls" that may be hidden away. Sign up now!
How We Built a Drupal Distribution for the Estonian Government, Part 1 – What and Why?
An interesting look inside a government adopting Drupal.
Your Frontend Methodology Is All of Them
Phase2's Christopher Bloom advocates for a frontend process and picking tools and frameworks for your frontend team.
Drupal 8
Dynamically Define Blocks in Drupal 8 with Derivatives
This (Two) Weeks in Drupal Core
"Last week, we fixed 7 critical issues and 11 major issues, and opened 6 criticals and 20 majors. That puts us overall at 136 release-blocking critical issues and 497 major issues."
Using Es5 with Drupal 8
Théodore Biadala explains that for core and contrib, it is important and safe to use ECMAScript 5 features. It's good to see the bar being raised on the Javascript in Drupal.
Colorbox Pop-Ups with Drupal Images and Videos
Colorbox is one of the more popular lightbox jQuery plugins and OSTraining walks you through setting it up on your Drupal site.
Do Not Use Incremental Ids in Your Code
Another Dcycle post by Albert Albala with sound advice.
Exposing External Content to Drupal’s Search
In this blog post Phase2's Joe Turgeon contrasts and compares three approaches to searching external content within Drupal search.
Getting Git: An Intro for Beginners
Over on the Mediacurrent Blog my colleague Josh Estep was written a nice Git intro that you can read in a few minutes. If you are not using version control read this now and change that as soon as possible.
How to Export Views Using Bulk Export and Ctools
Why not use Features module? Well, what if you want to ship a default view with a module you are developing? Learn how to use Bulk Export to do just that from Web Wash.
Preventing Drupal Headaches! the File Field
Great tips and advice from Heather James. Read this post if you are new or an old hat at working with file fields in Drupal.
Processing Forms in AngularJS
As frontend MVC frameworks like AngularJS become more in demand, Drupal developers will need to learn how to integrate with them. In this post Lullabot's Juan Pablo Novillo Requena share how they created an Angular form that validated user input and submitted the data to an external service.
Master Modules - Managing Obsolete Modules
Before reading this I was not familiar with the Master module. I'm going to give this module a try for sure. Sounds like a great tool for cleaning up poorly maintained Drupal installations.
Flag 7.x-3.3
Navbar 7.x-1.4
Openatrium 7.x-2.13
Openoutreach 7.x-1.4
Protected_Pages 7.x-2.2
Scheduler 7.x-1.2
Acquia Podcast with Sensio Labs Uk [45:20]
Getting Started with Drupal 8 - Youtube [1:09:23]
Lullabot's Joe Shindelar talks about getting started with Drupal 8 in the Drupal Association video.
Installing Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics on Your Drupal Website [7:47]
Erik Wagner from Volacci walks you through the steps of installing Google Tag Manager and Universal Analytics on your Drupal website.
Setting Up Rest Services in Drupal 8 [5:14]
Lin Clark has a series of three videos coving REST Services in Drupal 8. Good stuff
Using Basic Authentication in Drupal 8's Rest Services [2:10]
Delete Requests and Cookie Authentication in Drupal 8's Rest [4:04]
Drupal 8 Wins: Avoiding the Dead Hook Blues, Part 3 - Acquia Podcast
Drupaleasy Podcast 121: Good Soul
Win a Free Year of Buildamodule for You or a Friend!
Just had to mention this cool think Chris Shattuck is doing over at BAM. Over the next week, for every patch you submit to a Drupal module, theme, or core, they will enter your name into a drawing to win a FULL YEAR of BuildAModule for the person of your choosing. Pretty cool right? Click the link to learn all the details.
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