Issue 125 - February, 13th 2014
Drupal 8 Alpha 9 on Feb. 19
Google Summer of Code 2014 - Announcement and Application
The 10th annual Google Summer of Code application period began on February 3rd. This is a great project from Google that Drupal has greatly benefited from over the years.
Help the Community Get Drupal 8 Ready at Drupalcon Austin
DrupalCon Austin is open for sessions submissions. The call for sessions ends March 7th.
Joining the Day We Fight Back joins the "Today We Fight Back" initiative. In this post Crell (Larry Garfield) shares why digital sovereignty is important.
Looking for Members of the Future Community Tools Leadership Team
"The Software Working Group is looking for volunteers to take on leadership roles and help guide development of the Community Tools, which include Forums, Drupal Planet, User Groups (, User Profiles, User Dashboard."
From Our Sponsor

Training Video: 45 Modules in 45 Minutes
Did you miss our webinar on the most popular Drupal modules? The recording is now available! We know you don’t have the time to go through over 7,000 Drupal modules, so instead, join us for a 45 minute webinar to get an overview of the 45 most popular modules, the benefits of each and when and where to use each. Watch the recording now.
Drupal 8
This Fortnight in Drupal Core: February 8, 2014
Xjm reports on the second Global Sprint Weekend and progress made on Drupal 8 including the removable of the variable subsystem. This post includes charts and graphs explaining progress towards a Beta release.
Configuration Management for Developers
Joe Shindelar takes use through configuration management from a developer's perspective. This post includes a 17 minute video where Joe goes through each step.
Creating a Drupal 8 Theme with Sass,Singularity & Breakpoint
The addition of Twig is a huge win for Drupal. Andrei of Appnovation Technologies shares how he built a Drupal 8 theme using the latest and greatest front end tools and frameworks. The demo looks sharp. If you have been wondering what Drupal 8 theming will look like check this out.
Drupal 8: Creating a Custom Field - Part 3: Field Formatter
New Javascript Libraries in Drupal 8
A nice list of Javascript additions to Drupal 8 from Pedro Lozano.
The Drupal 8 Page Call Process
Nice diagram and explanation of how Drupal responds to a page request from Erik Stielstra.
Thoughts on Controllers for Drupal 8
Chris Hall discusses controllers in Drupal 8. By the way. His site is running on Drupal 8.
5 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Drupal Website - Number 1: Architecture
Another great post from Heather James covering common mistakes people make when building Drupal sites. I have seen many of this mistakes myself. If you are a site builder or even a developer you should check this out.
How to Alter the Webform Submission Information Before Being Saved Into the Database
Web Omelette introduces a function you might find handy when setting up webforms. The function hook_webform_submission_presave() allows you to act on form data before the form is saved to the DB. A very useful tip.
Use Drush Autocomplete with Zsh
I just use plain ole bash but I feel like a chump for not knowing about Drush Autocomplete. I know you are using Drush so go read this and get your shell set up for serious Drush action.
Announcing the At.js Module, Fantastic Autocompletes from Within Textareas for Drupal!
This modules great. At.js provides "awesome inline autocompletion within textareas using At.js"
Module Monday: Term Merge
Term merge looks like another great module for managing taxonomy vocabularies that are getting a bit messy.
@DrupalNinja linked to this on Twitter this week and I took it for a spin. Very handy way to get up and going with a Drupal 8 environment.
Devel 7.x-1.4
Fontawesome 7.x-1.0
Lingotek 7.x-5.02
Og 7.x-2.5
Radix 7.x-2.0
Drupaleasy Podcast 122: Insert Witty Title Here
A really nice interview with Drupal 8 core contributor Tim Plunkett. Tim discusses many things but his comments on CMI are worth a listen.
Acquia Podcast: Ruben Teijeiro Explains Why Drupal Is Easy
Api Changes in D8 with Théodore Biadala - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Gladcamp 2014
Greater Los Angeles Drupal Camp on March 7th, 8th & 9th, 2014, at the Hilton Pasadena & Convention Center in Pasadena, California.
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