Issue 129 - March, 13th 2014
Drupalcon Goes to Latin America in 2015
This week the DA announced that DrupalCon Latin American will happen in February 2015. Two locations were under consideration, Brazil and Colombia. The Association is recommending Bogota, Colombia but is welcoming input on this.
Drupal 8 Alpha 10 on Mar. 19
Another Botnet Spamming Drupal Web Sites, Causing Performance Issues
2bits reports on these attacks and offers information on how you can mitigate the risk.
Should Participate in Political Issues?
I so appreciate Holly Ross asking the community for input on this subject. While we may want to support or stand against things, the DA needs to consider the cost of doing these things. Read Holly's post and take a look at c4rl's comments. Team Week Notes #22
Highlights from this week are that project metrics are on their way back, user pictures are coming, and the discovery process for supporting Drupal core semantic versioning now has a contractor, ergonlogic.
5 Lessons Learned for Content Migration
A great set of tips from John Brandenburg of Forumone.
5 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Drupal Website - Number 5: Maintenance
Heather James offers advice for maintaining a healthy Drupal site.
Seeing What Has Been Done in Drupal Theming
If you are a themer you will want to read this. Emma Jane Westby summarizes the choices new themers have to make and where theming in Drupal is headed. Be sure to check out the Magic module as well.
Wysiwyg Editors in Drupal 7: Conflicts & Solutions
Trent Wyman shares the common issues with WYSIWYG editors and some solutions. Also check out the comments for links to other resources.
Drupal 8
Moving Your Drupal 8 Configuration from Local to Server and Back
Peter Wolanin share he, Moshe Weitzman (moshe weitzman), Justin Randell (beejeebus), Alex Bronstein (effulgentsia), and Stéphane Corlosquet (scor) have been working on. A couple new modules called Configuration log and Configuration Read-only mode. They demonstrate what can be done with the new configuration managment system.
Writing a Drupal 8 Image Effect Plugin for Image Styles
Writing Custom Process Plugins Using the Drupal 8 Migrate API
I'm just getting my feet wet on the D7 version of the Migrate module but Ben offers tips for Drupal 8.
Create a Page Title from the Views Exposed Filter Term
Super handy tutorial from Stanford's Caryl J Westerberg.
Creating a Simple Chrome Extension
Add Drupal API search to Chrome's Omnibar in just a few easy steps. From Lullabot's Carwin Young.
It Canna Handle the Load Cap'in
A nice load handling primer from Deeson Online.
Quicktips with Charlie: Entity Metadata Wrapper and Null Values
Guardr Achieves Point Release Status
Looks like a cool project.
Commerce 7.x-1.9
Gmap 7.x-2.9
Guardr 7.x-1.1
Lingotek 7.x-5.04
Location 7.x-3.2
Opendeals 7.x-1.32
Panopoly 7.x-1.2
Talking Drupal #038 - Talking with Dries Buytaert - [1:06:31]
The Talking Drupal show talks with Dries. If you don't know, Talking Drupal is weekly chat (hangout) about web design and development by a group a guys with one thing in common, they love Drupal.
X Marks the Spot: A Beginner's Guide to Online Maps in Drupal - [39:19]
098 Indivizo - a Saas App Built with Drupal with Bálint Kléri - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Great interview with Bálint Kléri. If you want to learn more about using Drupal to build a SaaS app take a few minutes to listen.
Lukas Smith on Open Source Communication, PHPCR, and More - Acquia Podcast
Drupalcamp Donetsk
April 25th - 27th, 2014 in Donetsk, Ukraine.
March 28th - 30th 2014, in Chicago.
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