The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 13 December 15, 2011

In this week's issue learn how to set up a WYSIWYG editor AND why you shouldn't, get some good performance tips, and learn about some cool modules. Be sure to check out this week's sponsor, a very cool Drupal powered service.


Fireside Chat

Drupal fireside chat #1: core development process

Remember the days when we would gather the family around the radio to listen to the fireside chats of our leader? Me nether but it sounds interesting. Dries will be answering questions from the community with a moderator on Friday, December 16 at 10am Eastern US time.


Drupalcamp Maryland

February 10th & 11th, 2012

From Our Sponsor

Articles & Tutorials

Urban Insight: Taming the WYSIWYG Editor in 3 Steps

Chris Loos walks us through setting up a WYSIWYG editor that you and your clients will be happy with.

Upal - a proposed test framework for Drupal 8

Moshe Weitzman makes the case for switching from SimpleTest to UPal, a PHPUnit powered testing framework he has been working on. According to Moshe, PHPUnit is easier to use and is the de facto standard in the PHP world.

Jimmy Berry: Part 3: Testing battle plan

Jimmy Berry (boombatower) continues the discussion about testing frameworks and whether they should be included in core.

Using aggregation in Views

Johan Falk of NodeOne shows us the new aggregation features in Views 3.

5 Tips for Running a Drupal 7 site on Rackspace Cloud Sites

Art Williams from Digett gives us some tips for getting the most out of Rackspace Cloud Sites. I've been using Rackspace Cloud Servers for quite a while but have heard many complaints about the Cloud Sites platform. If you have had issues with Cloud Sites maybe this post can help you out.

Avoid WYSIWYG Editors

Just to keep us balanced this week, Ronan Berder tells us to avoid WYSIWYG Editors and instead train clients to us Markdown. If you don't know what Markdown is you're missing out. Making sense of Varnish caching rules

OG7 and Entity reference - Part 2

Amitai Burstein of gives us a sneek peek at Organic Groups 7 and it's integration with Entity References.

Simple Git feature branch workflow

This isn't the first post I've linked to related to Vincent Driessen's Git branching model but it's such a good approach that I thought I should highlight it again. This time Jeff Geerling talks about how he is using a simular approach to manage the code on smaller sites as a solo developer. Git or some VCS still makes sense even if you are working solo.

Executing batch cron operations with drupal_queue


How to export a database schema for version control

Chris over at is doing something cool for Weekly Drop readers. Each week you get access to a video that would normally require a subscription. This week we learn how to export your database schema into version control.

Introduction to Rules

Johan Falk the friendly Video caster from NodeOne is now producing video content for Check out his Rules series and more over at the ever growing Drupal training site. Top Videos of the Week has a good round up of videos this week that's worth a look.

An Overview of Performance & Scalability

Nathan Haug's Do it with Drupal talk about performance is a really great primer on Drupal performance and scalability. Seriously, this is one of the best talks I've seen on these topics.


Module Monday: Premium Content

This week's Module Monday highlights the Premium Content module. If you want more flexibility restricting content to privileged users check out Jeff Eaton's post.

OpenLayers Plus

Brandon Geiger over at Aten Design Group discusses this sandbox project that extends the popular OpenLayers mapping module.

What are social media widgets? Oooh, give me.

LevelTen Interactive gives us the lowdown on two new modules that allow you to integrate your Drupal site with many social media sites.


DrupalEasy Podcast 69: Insider Trading

"Damien McKenna of Bluespark Labs joins Andrew Riley, Ryan Price, and Mike Anello on the 69th edition of the DrupalEasy podcast. They discuss the latest happenings in the Drupal world including Acquia’s rising prominence in the business world, DrupalCon Denver training opportunities, and Drupal 8 (what? really?)."


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Published by Bob Kepford

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