Issue 137 - May, 8th 2014
Announcing Our Keynote Speakers
The keynote speakers are Dries Buytaert, Erynn Petersen and Hugh Forrest.
Announcing Newest Software Working Group Members!
Cathy Theys (YesCT) and David Hernandez (davidhernandez) are joining the Software Working Group.
Want to Be a Core Contributor? Drupal 7 Needs You!
Mike Gifford points out that Drupal 7 is going to be around for several more years and we need to backport fixes from Drupal 8 to 7. This is a great way to get involved in core contribution.
Sustainable Drupal Core Development? Drupal Core Gittip Team, a New Funding Effort.
YesCT updates us on the Drupal Core Gittip Team?
Drupal 7 Core Release on Wednesday, May 7 (Or Thursday, May 8)
From Our Sponsor

Avoid These Common Drupal Mistakes
You build and maintain awesome Drupal sites every day. We’ve identified 5 common mistakes that can easily be avoided by following a few simple tips! In our eBook, we’ll share best practices for your Drupal architecture, infrastructure and website lifecycle. Get the details in this eBook.
Drupalfund Helped Get Tess to Drupalcon 2014 in Austin!
Very cool story about our community supporting a Drupal contributor using Drupalfund.
Using Page Tables to Deliver Meaningful Design
Nica Lorber shares how Chapter Three uses Page tables as a key step between discovery and design.
Drupal 8
#d8Rules: Support the Rules Module for Drupal 8
(Alex Pott) Joining Chapter Three
If have been following Drupal 8 core maintainer Alex Pott and his quest to work on Drupal core you will be happy to know that he will be doing so for Chapter Three.
Announcing Next Search Api D8 Sprint
June 13th - 15th in Belgium.
Let's Debug Twig in Drupal 8!
Learn to debug Twig with's Amber Matz.
This Week in Drupal Core - April 30Th 2014
Get caught up on the past couple of weeks in Drupal 8 development.
Build a New Drupal Homepage with Panels
If you want to dip your toe into the waters of Panels be sure and check out OSTraining's tutorial.
Conditionally Open a Link in a New Tab in Views Without the Php Filter
A nice views tip from Mediacurrent's Michelle Williamson.
Custom Formatters for Easy Drupal Embeds
Steve Burge(OSTraining) highlights a cool module called Custom Formatters. I don't think this module gets enough attention for being as awesome as it is.
Drush Sql-Dump and Sql-Sync - Skip Specific Tables
A handy tip from Sivaji Ganesh of Knack Forge.
Exporting Custom Date Formats in Drupal
A really nice tutorial from David Lanier of ThinkShout.
Presentation: Drupal Performance Tips and Tricks
There's some really handy performance info in the PDF.
Drupal 7 Recaptcha Module
A video intro from Code Karate.
Restful Module
This looks really really cool. "The goal of RESTful module is to allow us to expose a versionable API which is as good as Github, or Flickr, or any other proper REST service.."
Roomify Update: Build You Own Airbnb with Drupal
A property/room management module from Bluespark Labs.
Webform Options by Bundle
Brian Altenhofel announced his sandbox module that allows you to expose nodes as options in a webform. That could be pretty handy.
Aegir 2.1
Boost 7.x-1.0
Devel 7.x-1.5
Fape 7.x-1.2
Fate 7.x-1.0
Flag 7.x-3.5
Menu_Block 7.x-2.4
Mollom 7.x-2.10
Omega 8.x-5.x-Dev
Openatrium 7.x-2.18
Openoutreach 7.x-1.6
Panopoly 7.x-1.5
Rules 7.x-2.7
Zen 7.x-5.5
Drupal 8 and Business Opportunities – Paul Wander - Acquia Podcast
Announcing Jam’S Drupal Camp - Open Source Virtual Show and Tell
What a great idea!
MoldCamp 2014
May 17th - 18th, 2014 in Chisinau, The Republic of Moldova.
Get Drupalcon Austin Sprint Lead, Brian Gilbert (Realityloop), to Drupalcon Austin
Help Brian Gilbert come to DrupalCon Austin and lead sprints.
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