Issue 153 - August, 28th 2014
Announcing the New Drupal Jobs Career Site
Drupal Jobs is a career site dedicated completely to Drupal that was launched by the Drupal Association this week.
Drupal Jobs
The brand new Drupal Jobs site brought to you by the Drupal Association.
Want to Be Selected for Google Summer of Code 2015?
A great article by Daniel Pocock if you are thinking about applying for the Google Summer of Code program in 2015.
From Our Sponsor

On Demand: Drupal 8 Deep Dive: The Plugin System
Did you miss our webinar last week on the Drupal 8 Plugin system? Well, it’s ready to view on-demand! Kris Vanderwater (also known as EclipseGc) will teach you about what plugin tools exist, how to leverage them and where to get information on building your own plugin types. Start watching now.
Training Spotlight: Professional Agile Project Management for Drupal Projects
Sounds like there will be great training opportunities at DrupalCon Amsterdam 2014.
Open Source and Social Capital
Dries Buytaert highlights the non-financial benefits of contributing to open source.
What Is Headless Drupal?
A great summary of what Headless Drupal is as well as real world examples from OSTraining.
Drupal 8
5 More New Videos on Working with Blocks in D8 - Buildamodule
D8FTW: Your Next Drupal Hire Isn't a Drupal Hire
Larry Garfield makes the case for Drupal shops getting off the Drupal island by having a presence and sponsoring PHP events. Larry reminds us that Drupal 8 will be much more like other modern PHP systems and won't require as much Drupal specific knowledge.
Getting Module Builder Ready for Drupal 8
Git Workflow for Managing Drupal 8 Configuration
I enjoyed reading Fabian Bircher explanation of a possible Git workflow for Drupal 8 sites.
How I Learned Drupal 8
Alejandro Garza shares his experience learning Drupal 8. There are some good bits of info in this article.
Drupal 7: Invoking Custom Callback in Maintenance Mode
A nifty little way to allow access to some pages while a Drupal site is in maintenance mode.
Multiple Views Part 3
"In the last installment of multiple views you will learn how to change the look of the view using the two classes you set in the previous video."
Stage File Proxy
In this video tutorial Mario Hernandez explains how to setup and use stage file proxy. When developing or theming locally this module removes the need to download all of the files from your remote Drupal instance at once. It downloads them as needed.
Web Performance: A Guide to Building Fast Drupal Websites
I nice guide from Friendly Machine.
Headless Drupal Demo - Working Code and Call to Action
A very cool concept project from Josh Koenig.
Module Monday: Office Hours
New Module: Image Widget Default Image
A module that allows you to display an image field's default image in the node add form, before the user had uploaded a picture.
Auto_Nodequeue 7.x-3.0
Commerce 8.x-2.x-Dev
Node_Expire 7.x-1.6
Personalize 7.x-1.0-Beta12
Redhen 7.x-1.8
Restaurant 7.x-1.0-Beta9
Site_Banner 7.x-4.1
Social_Media_Links 7.x-1.3
Values 7.x-1.0
Drupal 8 & Empowerment Through Drupal - Acquia Podcast
Drupal Core Gittip Team - Modules Unraveled Podcast Podcast 46 : Updating the Video Experience
Talking Drupal #060 - Multi-Language Websites
Drupalcamp Atlanta 2014 Is Open for Registrations!
Global Drupal Training Day - 30Th Aug and 6Th Sep
Drupal Community Involvement Study: Your Feedback Needed!
Dani Nordin is conducting a survey about contributing to Drupal. If you have contributed to Drupal in any way please take a moment to complete the survey. It only took about 5 minutes of my time.
List Your Job on Drupal Jobs
Wanna get the word out about your great Drupal job? Get your job in front of hundreds of Drupal job seekers every day at Jobs.Drupal.Org.
Featured Jobs
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US
DevOps Full Stack Developer
Spry Digital US