Issue 157 - September, 25th 2014
Today There Are Zero Drupal 8 Beta Blockers! Here's What's Next.
Drupal 8.0.0-alpha15 "...can be treated as a "beta release candidate"". We could see the first Drupal 8 beta in the next couple weeks!
Drupal Security Team Update.
This is pretty cool. The Drupal security team worked with the Wordpress team on a joint release that addressed a shared issue. Another cool bit of info is the news that two factor auth is coming to Oh and check out the long term support update for Drupal 6! You should just read this post for yourself.
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Call for Drupal Lightning Talks
Now is your chance to showcase the power of Drupal!
What Is the Drupal Community Summit?
How Much Documentation Is Enough?
A great post from Mediacurrent's Derek Reese.
Reflections on Drupal in Japan
Dries Buytaert shares his experiences from his recent trip to Japan. Unsurprisingly a big issue in the Japanese Drupal community is the lack of documentation in Japanese.
There’s No Time Like the Present to Build Your Drupal Career
I completely agree with this. It is a great time to begin your Drupal career.
Drupal 8
Drupal Core Updates for September 18th, 2014
This week's update is crammed packed with info. Be sure to check it out.
How to Add Responsive Tables to Content in Drupal 8
In this screencast,'s Amber Himes Matz demonstrates Drupal 8's responsive table functionality in the UI as well as how to build a responsive table using Views.
Run, Don't Walk to Drupal 8 Migrate in Core Sprints
Great to see so many people working on Migrate in core. If you want to get involved there are plenty of opportunities available.
The Big Picture: Drupal 8 Migrate in Core
Michael Anello offers some background on why Migrate module is the the "upgrade path" for Drupal sites on versions 6 and 7.
Ultimate Guide to Drupal 8: Episode 7 - Code Changes in Drupal 8
In the latest edition of Angie's great series on Drupal 8 she discusses the code changes in D8. But don't let the code focus scare you. Even if you haven't written a line of PHP this post is relevant to you.
Composer – Dependency Management in PHP
"Composer helps us keep track of what external code our application relies on, and get it installed the right way on every copy of that application. This article will show you how to use Composer successfully in your own projects."
Drupal 7 Entity Registration Views, Access and Wait List
In this Code Karate screencast they cover a few Entity Registration add on modules.
Drupal 7 Honeypot Module
In this screencast Code Karate covers the best anti spam module I have every used. If you have not tried Honeypot module you should.
Use the Drupal Sharethis Module
A screencast tutorial covering the the ShareThis module.
Apps 7.x-1.0-Beta17
DF 7.x-1.0-Rc1
Drupal 8.0.0-Alpha15
Drupalmoduleupgrader 8.x-0.4
Gratis 7.x-2.2
Honeypot 8.x-1.18-Alpha15
Inlinemanual 7.x-1.3
Metatag 7.x-1.0
A tip of the hat to Damien McKenna on a big release he has been working for some time. Great work Damien.
Metatag 7.x-1.1
Mollom 7.x-2.12
Openpublic 7.x-1.0-Rc5
Webprofiler 8.x-1.1-Alpha15
Drupal 8 Developer Experience Wins, the Php Renaissance and More with Angie Byron - Acquia Podcast
Drupaleasy Podcast 139: Vibraslap (Joshua Mitchell, Drupal Association CTO) Podcast 48 : Demystifying the Sprint
Introducing the Drupal 8 Console Scaffolding Module Generator with Jesus Manuel Olivas - Acquia Podcast
Drupalcamp Atlanta
October 3rd - 4th at Kennesaw State University Conference Center in Kennesaw, Georgia.
New England Drupal Camp
November 1st in Providence, Rhode Island.
Bay Area Drupal Camp 2014
November 6th - 9th in San Francisco, California.
Drupalcamp Gothenburg 2014
November 14th - 16th in Gothenburg, Sweden
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