Issue 160 - October, 16th 2014
Drupal 7 Core Security Release on Wednesday, October 15 (And Release Window for Drupal 6)
Since I compose the newsletter on Tuesdays by the time you read this I hope you will in the process of updating you Drupal installations because I hear this security update is going to be a big one.
Architecting DrupalCI at Drupalcon Amsterdam
Nick Schuch of PreviousNext outlines the plans for a DrupalCI as well as the progress that has been made so far.
From Our Sponsor
Use D8 Beta on Dev Desktop & Acquia Cloud Free
Did you hear the news? Drupal 8 beta was released to the masses, and we're so excited we can't contain ourselves! Drupal 8 will enable you to do more while reducing the overhead to get there. Want to know what makes this even better? Drupal 8 is completely supported on Acquia Cloud Free and Dev Desktop. Start testing D8 on Acquia Cloud Free today!
Doei Doei, Drupalcon Amsterdam
Curious about DrupalCon Amsterdam? This post from the Drupal Association has the stats you crave. "More than 2,300 attendees showed up to 120 sessions and nearly 100 BoFs".
Drupalcon Amsterdam 2014 - Historic Mirror on Drupal's Future
A nice list of great sessions from DrupalCon Amsterdam.
The State of Rest in Headless Drupal 8
A nice overview of Drupal 8's REST API and it's weak points.
The Truth About Wordpress
As the Drupal project and community becomes more connected with the PHP developer community we should also consider our counterparts in the Wordpress community. I agree with Brandon Savage that practice of throwing stones at the Wordpress project should stop.
The Value of Drupal Mentoring at Drupalcon Amsterdam 2014
John Ennew shares his experience being a mentor at DrupalCon Amsterdam.
Training the Cms
Anyone building sites, setting up content types or doing discovery for a Drupal project should read this. This is one of the best articles on the subject of setting up a CMS I have ever read.
Drupal 8
5 Hurdles to Adopting Drupal 8
Drupal 8 maintainer Alex Pott outlines the changes in Drupal 8 and how Drupal agencies should approach them.
6 Modules to Avoid Before Drupal 8 Arrives
Great advice from Steve Burge and Dave Reid.
Add Assets in Theme Preprocess Functions
"You can now really easily add new assets in template preprocess functions."
Blocks Are Now Plugins
"In Drupal 8, the logic for blocks is provided by so called plugins (annotated classes in a specific namespace).."
Drupal 8 - an Intro Field Guide for Front-End Developers
Drupal 8 from My Media Perspective - Update #2
An update on Media module progress for Drupal 8.
Quick Tip: Up and Running with Drupal 8 in Under Five Minutes
Add Keyword Highlighting Using Search Api in Drupal 7
Drupal Commerce Order Owner Autocomplete with E-Mail Address
Nice little improvement from Tyler Frankenstein that I hope will be submitted as a patch to the Commerce project.
Drupal Panels Setup for Clean Markup
Not sure how well this will work if you are using the In Place Editor with Panels but this is worth trying if you want to clean up the default markup that panels provides.
Drupal User Entity Reference Field with Custom Autocomplete That Uses an Address Field
How to Backup Your Drupal Database to Amazon S3
Sure, your host is backing up your server. Maybe you have your database and files being backed up on a cron run. But, if your backups are not offsite then you are in a risky situation. Off site backups are pretty easy to set up now as Blair Wadman illustrates in this tutorial.
How to Setup Auto-Translation of Nodes Using Rules and Tmgmt
Language Lessons: 10 Useful Tips
Civicrm - the Road to Drupal 8
This one line is music to the ears of any early user of CiviCRM, "civicrm now installs as if it were any other Drupal module".
Creating a Drupal 7 Entity Reference View
Entity Reference module is one of those modules I use quite often. You should be using it if you need to have fields that reference nodes, or other entity types.
Drupal's Picture Element and Image Field Focus for Mobile Images
The Payment Module: A Simpler Alternative to Drupal Commerce
Steve Burge gives us a brief intro to the payment module. Looks like a great alternative when you don't need all of the features of the Commerce module.
Calendar 7.x-3.5
Coder 8.x-2.0-Beta1
Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-1.30
Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-2.18
Drupalmoduleupgrader 8.x-0.5
Geolocation 8.x-1.1
Metatag 7.x-1.4
Personalize 7.x-1.0-Beta15
Drupodcast S04-E14 - Con Mario Hernandez
Check out my buddy Mario Hernandez @designsdrive on the Drupodcast.
The Harmony Forum Project with Alli Price - Modules Unraveled Podcast
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