Issue 162 - October, 30th 2014
News’s APIs
Did you know you can request json and xml from entities? Well, you can. Check out the work the team are doing.
From Our Sponsor

Test Drupal 8 Beta With The Tools You Deserve
Have you tried Drupal 8 beta on Acquia Cloud Free? How about Dev Desktop? If not, it’s time to experiment, explore, and test D8 with the tools you deserve. Drupal 8 will enable you to do more while reducing the overhead to get there. Don’t wait any longer. Sign up for Acquia Cloud Free and start developing with D8 now!
How to Restore Your Hacked Site
Brian Lewis of Modules Unraveled created a video discussing how to check to see if your Drupal site was compromised.
Learning from Hackers a Week After the Drupal Sql Injection Announcement
Acquia's Stéphane Corlosquet shares info gleaned from the Drupal host's data following the Drupageddon security flaw.
On Drupal's Leadership
Larry Garfield continues his discussion about Drupal's leadership approach. Be sure to read the comments as well.
Your Drupal Site Got Hacked. Now What?
When I think of Drupal security experts I think of greggles(Greg Knaddison). If you host or manage a Drupal site you must read this.
Drupal 8
27 Questions (And Answers) from My First Drupal 8 Site Build
Matt Korostoff shares his expereince building a site in Drupal 8.
Drupal 8 Administration Is Faster, Cheaper and Easier
Chapter Three's Alex Pott shows us the power of Drupal 8.
Drupal 8 Modules
In this post Karoly (Chx) Negyesi disucsses "...patterns you need to use during Drupal 8 development than how to fit the various pieces together."
Future-Proof Your Drupal 7 Site
An excelent session from Dave Reid at DrupalCon Amsterdam. Dave covers a list of modules that are backports of Drupal 8 modules as well as Drupal 7 modules you should avoid if you can when looking forward to Drupal 8
Entity Reference View Widget
Five Drupal Modules You're Probably Missing Out On
Chris Hilditch mentions some nice modules.
Node Gallery: The Easiest Drupal Photo Gallery
Apps 7.x-1.0-Beta18
Autoassignrole 7.x-1.0-Beta3
This module is seeking new co-maintainers.
Config_Tools 8.x-1.0-Alpha3
Df 7.x-1.0-Rc2
Drupalmoduleupgrader 8.x-0.6
Drush_Recipes 7.x-1.0-Beta3
Ds 7.x-2.7
Geofield 8.x-1.0-Alpha1
Layout_Plugin 8.x-1.0-Alpha2
Openchurch 7.x-1.15
Openchurch 7.x-2.0-Beta2
Page_Manager 8.x-1.0-Alpha2
Panels 8.x-3.0-Alpha2
Restaurant 7.x-1.0-Beta10
Safeword 7.x-1.11
Webprofiler 8.x-1.1-Beta2
123 Planning Drupal Events with Bert Boerland and Imre Gmelig Meyling - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Drupalcon Amsterdam Top Ten – Part 2 of 2 with Kris Vanderwater - Acquia Podcast
Talking Drupal Podcast - Scenarios
Badcamp Sprint Wednesday Nov 5th - 10th
Drupal Core Critical Issue Sprint in Ghent, Dec. 10th - 14th
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