Issue 176 - February, 12th 2015
DrupalCon Latin America 2015
DrupalCon Latin America 2015 starts on the 10th of February and runs through the 12th. If like me, you can't attend then you will want to check out the site for session videos. It is very likely that I will pick some sessions to feature in next week's issue.
From Our Sponsor

DrupalEasy Training is not Good Enough
Because Good Enough doesn't cut it at DrupalEasy. Drupal Career Online is Awesome! It's live at your desktop, expert-taught curriculum; working labs; learning communities; sessions that fit into the work-week; and super-rich, follow-on learning resources. If you are looking to create a great Drupal team or a great start to your career, the next session of the DCO starts March 10. (Easy payment plan and generous group discounts available.)
Guide to Drupal 8 at Drupalcon Bogotá
Drupalcon LA 2015 - Get Involved with the Coding and Development Track
Gettin’ Twiggy with It
Learn about Twig with Morten DK in this Drupal Watchdog article.
Testing Frameworks - an Exploration
A walk through of an automated testing setup, using Behat, Mink and Selenium from the Code Enigma blog.
Drupal 8
Drupal Core Updates for Feb 4, 2015
Bugs are being squashed and the graph for critical issues is going down to the right. this is a good thing!
Panels, Blocks, Layouts and Drupal 8
If you use Panels, Context or Blocks and plan to use Drupal 8 you should read this. I think that covers everyone right?
Drupal8 Classy Themes Template File Organization
"...the banana is moving forward." ~ MortenDK. Some of you will get this reference.
Princeton Critical Sprint Recap
What We Learned by Building Our New Company Site in Drupal 8
Learn how and why Merge decided to redesign their site on Drupal 8. I think building your personal or company site is a great idea of Drupal shops.
30 Minutes and It's Free
If you don't know about you're welcome. In a nutshell, Patrick Drotleff's service allows you to spin up a Drupal site on the web that you can test with for 30 minutes. Oh, and it's free. Emma Jane Westby tells us more in the Drupal Watchdog post.
Removing Duplicate Content Across Multiple Drupal Views
Have you ever had two views returning duplicate content on the same page? Take a look at this very handy tutorial with an example module from Joel Steidl.
Using Drush Automatically with Grunt
Take your drush-fu to the next level and let grunt do the legwork.
Add Images to Field Groups with the Field Group Image Drupal Module
Check out this new module from Monarch Digital. I was just needing a module that does this the other day.
Control Breadcrumbs Using Path Breadcrumbs in Drupal 7
Ivan Zugec shows us how to set up the Path Breadcrumbs module. Another top notch tutorial from Webwash.
Improving Drupal Administration Menu with Better Admin Menu
A new module sandbox module that switches your admin menu on mobile devices.
Bueditor 8.x-1.0-Beta2
Ckeditor_Insert 7.x-1.0-Rc1
Cm 7.x-1.17
Composer 8.x-1.1
Entity_Legal 7.x-1.3
GD_React 7.x-1.x-Dev
Gmap 7.x-2.10-Rc3
Migrate 7.x-2.7
Migrate_D2D 7.x-2.1
Ngapp 7.x-1.3
Personalize 7.x-1.0-Rc5
Site_Audit 7.x-1.13
Introducing the Mediacurrent Dropcast!
Last week some of my teammates at Mediacurrent and I started a brand new podcast. We discuss a handful of stories from TheWeeklyDrop and other Drupal news. It's a lot of fun to record and hope you will all check it out.
Digital Government Services and Drupal – Meet Ian Read - Acquia Podcast
Drupaleasy Podcast 144: Ted Blocks Dancing Sharks (Flag Module in D8 - Tess Flynn)
All the Sprints at and Around Drupal Dev Days Montpellier France
April 13th - 19th at Drupal Dev Days Montpellier France or online.
All the Sprints at and Around Drupalcon Los Angeles
May 9th - 17th at DrupalCon LA or online.
All the Sprints at and Around Drupalcon Barcelona
September 19th - 27th at DrupalCon Barcelona or online.
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