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Issue 178 - February, 26th 2015


Drupalcon: Deadline for Sessions, Trainings, and Grants & Scholarships Is Friday

Let's Meet the Candidates!

Meet the 24 candidates for the At-Large seat on the Association Board of Directors.


Come Discuss the Future of Drupal at Core Conversations

Drupalcon Latin America 2015: An Overview of the Drupal 8 Plugin System

I haven't had a chance to watch this session yet but it was highly recommended.

Drupalcon: Starting with the Front (End)


Decouple Design with Styleguide Driven Drupal Development

If you are new to using living style guide guides you should really check out this post from Robert Caracaus. My team at Mediacurrent is just finishing up a project where we used a style guide and I don't know why we haven't been doing this for years.

Drupal and Backdrop Meet Drush and Drupal Console

I enjoyed reading Nate Haug's recent post comparing the relationships of Drush and Console to Drupal and Backdrop CMS. I think you will as well.

Migrating to Drupal: The Presentation Framework

Matt Davis goes into detail describing the presentation framework Mediacurrent created for the project. Be on the look out for more posts about the project.

Drupal 8

Drupal Core Updates for February 19th, 2015

Highlights from recent sprints and the news that the number of Drupal 8 critical issues has dropped to about 56.

Making Drupal 8 Fly

Dries shares how Drupal 8 will both provide robust functionality and performance.

PHPUnit and Drupal

Sam Boyer introduces us to PHPUnit in Drupal.


How to Patch Drupal Modules

A handy guide from Zivtech's Jody Hamilton.

Varnish Tips and Tricks

Write a Hello World Test for Drupal 7 with Simpletest

Get started writing tests for your Drupal 7 modules with Joe Shindelar on Drupalize.Me.


Demo of a Free Drupal 8 Theme Created with Libsass & Gulp

Once upon a time I felt qualified to discuss frontend tooling. However, my friends tell me that Gulp is pretty great and many are interested in LibSass. I think theming for Drupal 8 is going to significantly improve the work lives of you themers out there.

Drupal 7 Interval Field Module

The Drupal 7 Interval Field module provides a simple way to create a duration or interval field on any Drupal 7 field-able entity.

Drupal 7 Touch Icons: How to Add Apple Specific Icons

Fast Content Type Ui

An interesting new module from Scott Reynen of Aten Design Group.


Admin_Views 7.x-1.4

Cms 7.x-1.0-Beta23

Commons 7.x-3.21

Module_Filter 7.x-2.0

Navbar 7.x-1.6

Notify 7.x-1.3

Openatrium 7.x-2.31

Panopoly 7.x-1.17

Quiz 7.x-4.0-Beta3

Redis 7.x-3.0

Restws 7.x-1.5

Restws 7.x-2.3

Youtube 7.x-1.5


Drupaleasy Podcast 145: Route vs. Root vs. Roots (New Tech Cities - Steve Burge)

Helping Remote Teams Work - the Manager - Acquia Podcast

Interview with Larry Garfield - Voices of the Elephpant

If you are looking for a PHP podcast I recommend you give this podcast by Cal Evans a listen. I've been meaning to link to it for some time.

Mediacurrent Dropcast: Episode 1

Be looking for a proper RSS feed for our new podcast soon. We've had a lot of fun recording this podcast and hope you enjoy it.


Drupalcampchina 2015 Announcement

March 14th, 2015 in Shanghai, China.

Drupal Developer Days - April 2015 - France

April 13th - 19th, 2015 in Montpellier, France.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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