Issue 189 - May, 14th 2015
Forgive me for the sparse summaries this week as I am writting this in the middle of DrupalCon LA. It's been a great event so far.News
Drupal 7.37 Released
2015 at-Large Election Data Released
Pantheon Acquires Nodesquirrel to Provide Free Drupal Cloud Backups for Everyone!
FFW: Our New Digital Agency
Blink Reaction and Propeople are now FFW.
From Our Sponsor

Spring Clean Up the Clutter with Drupal Site Audits
Have you ever been asked to clean up slow performance, hacked modules and code that wasn't implemented the "Drupal way?" We have seen these requests, and after applying too many Drupal site audits to count we've boiled it down to this handy guide of Top 5 Signs that Your Website is a Hoarder. Read the latest whitepaper from Promet Source and learn how we diagnose and correct factors that leave a website's homepage looking more like a hoarder's home.
Decoupled Drupal: When, Why, and How
Two of my favorite DrupalCon speakers Amitai Burstein and Josh Koenig teamed up to talk about headless Drupal. We've heard a lot of cheerleading about this topic but Josh and Amitai take a pragmatic and realistic look at the subject and talk about it's importance to the viability of Drupal in the future.
Drupal 8 Question-and-Answer Core Conversation at Drupalcon Los Angeles
Drupal 8: The Crash Course
Larry Garfield delivered a great high level look at Drupal 8 from a developer's perspective.
Drupalcon Barcelona Session Submission Live!
Getting Drupal 8 Done: Drupalcon Los Angeles Sprints
The Battle for the Body Field
As usual, Eaton delivers a enteraining and thought provoking talk. If you are trying to deal with complex media intertangled in long form content you should watch this session.
How to Prevent SQL Injections in Drupal
The Cultural Construction of Drupal
Drupal 8
Drupal Core Updates for May 6th, 2015
Adding a Contextual Filter to a View in Drupal 8
Dude, Where Are My Templates? Using the Drupal 7 Theme Developer to Find the Way.
Installing and Configuring Dreditor
Site Configuration Strategy (Or How to Manage Your Settings.php Files)
Drupal 7: Organizing with Field Group
How We Could Monitor Twitter (If We Had To)
An example of visual regression testing and monitoring using Shoov from Gizra
Using Jquery Isotope to Display Content in Views, It’s Fancy.
Backup_Migrate 7.x-3.1
Colorizer 7.x-1.7
Commerce_Kickstart 7.x-2.24
Drupal 7.37
Entity_Embed 7.x-1.0-Alpha1
Mailchimp 8.x-1.0-Alpha1
Migrate 7.x-2.8-Beta1
Mmenu 7.x-2.1
Openatrium 7.x-2.41
Redis 7.x-3.7
Speedy 7.x-1.18
Valkyrie 7.x-0.4-Rc2
Workbench_Moderation_Buttons 7.x-1.0-Alpha1
Building a Great Remote Team, Helping Clients & Giving Back Podcast 63 : The Syfy Project
Drupal Open Days 2015
May 22 - 23, 2015 in Dublin.
Drupalcamp Bristol 2015
July 3 - 4, 2015 in Bristol, UK. Early bird tickets are selling out and the camp is looking for new sponsors and speakers to get involved.
Moldcamp 2015
May 30 - 31, 2015 in Chișinău, Moldova.
Kitten Killers: Reunite and Play Drupalcon Barcelona
Six years ago the Kitten Killers burst onto the scene playing at Drupal events across Scandinavia. Their unique style of covers blew audiences away. During DrupalCon Copenhagen they played…
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