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Issue 207 - September, 17th 2015


Help Us Test DrupalCI

"DrupalCI is the next generation testing infrastructure for Drupal. After years of development, DrupalCI has been rolled out for testing Drupal 8 Core and Contrib projects - and will soon be taking over testing Drupal 7 Core and Contrib as well and for Drupal 6 for the duration of its long term support window."

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Drupal 8 Retrospective

Dries, the Drupal project lead is leading a Drupal 8 retrospective discussion at DrupalCon Barcelona and seeks your input. Please take a few moments to answer three questions.

8.0.0 Ways You Can Participate in the Barcelona Drupalcon Prenote - Even if You're Not There!

The pre-notes at DrupalCon are legendary. If you would like to be a part of one check out this post.

Video - How to Get Involved with DrupalCon Asia


Tokens, Performance, and Caching

A great example of finding a fixing a performance issue from Larry Garfield.

Understanding Drupal Security Advisories: The Risk Calculator

In this series David Snopek explains how to better understand all the information in a security advisories from the Drupal security team. In this installment we learn about the risk calculator.

Drupal Security – This Is How It’s Done

Ayush Jain has written a nice list of security threats and how Drupal handles them. As an added bonus Greg Knaddison linked to a create commons licensed Drupal Security Report white paper that is worth checking out.

Drupal Security Report

This report is from 2014 but it's well written and is licensed under creative commons. If you are selling Drupal to your organization this could be a great tool for you to take in to the stakeholders.

How Acquia Is Addressing the Explosion of Sites

Dries shares the growing trend toward organizations creating and managing multiple web sites and how Acquia has responded. I share this because it's an interesting trend as well as being a need that Drupal can fulfill in a few different ways.

How to Budget a Drupal Project

Mediacurrent's Managing Partner Paul Chason shares solid advice for organizations looking to hire a Drupal agency to help them with a project.

Require JS, Grunt, Bower, Foundation and Drupal - Part 2

Drupal 8

10 New Features in Drupal 8 Core

This is not an exhaustive list of new features but it's a nice list.

Classy Theming

Morten DK walks us through a simple Drupal 8 theme in this Drupal Watchdog article.

Drupal 8 Custom Plugin Types

How to Create Custom Entities with Bundle Support in Drupal 8

Introducing the 5 New Fields in Drupal 8

This might be old news to some of you but I'm sure there are new folk that haven't taken a look at what's new in Drupal 8.

Recording from Sept 11th 2015 Drupal 8 Critical Issues Discussion


Drupal 8 Third Party Settings and Pseudo-Fields

Drupal Shortcuts for Chrome Browser

If you use Drupal and Chrome be sure to check this post out.

How to Create a REST API Export in Drupal 8

This post from OSTraining won't teach you everything you need to know about web services in Drupal 8 but it is a good taste.

Redirect Drupal Webform Submissions Based on Answers

Another very handy tutorial from OSTraining

Test Local Development Environments with Ngrok

Chris Ruppel shares a very useful local testing tool called ngrok.


Trashing Drupal

Tim Millwood introduces the Trash module, a module that adds a trash bin for all content entities. The module is based on Multiversion module.


Cod 7.x-1.0-Beta12

entity_embed 7.x-2.0-Alpha2

Features 8.x-3.0-Alpha3

Mailchimp 7.x-3.5

Restful 7.x-1.3

search_api 8.x-1.0-Alpha9


Getting Up to Speed with Drupal 8 with Michael Marzovilla and Nick Selvaggio - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Idealism and What Successful Open Source Looks Like - Acquia Podcast


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Published by Bob Kepford

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