Issue 209 - October, 1st 2015
DrupalCon Dublin 2016
Cathy Theys Is Awarded the First Aaron Winborn Award
Cathy Theys was awarded the first Aaron Winborn Award at DrupalCon Barcelona.
Acquia Raises $55 Million Series G
From Our Sponsor

Are you ready for Drupal 8?
Copy and paste your site’s module list on to find out! Receive regular reports on the status of your modules to see when your contributed modules have been upgraded to D8.
Community Keynotes by David Rozas and Mike Bell
Mike Bell's (mikebell_) proposal about mental health in the open source world and David Rozas' (drozas) talk about the phenomenon of contributing to a community were promoted to keynotes and I've heard a lot of positive things about both talks.
DrupalCon Barcelona - Recap
I enjoyed the nice collection of DrupalCon Barcelona photos from Amazee Labs.
Making Drupal Fly — The Fastest Drupal Ever Is Here!
Remote DrupalCon - Day 2
Steve Purkiss recaps the second day of DrupalCon.
Remote DrupalCon - Day 3
Steve Purkiss recaps the third day of DrupalCon.
The Future of Decoupled Drupal
Dries Buytaert weighs in with his thoughts on the subject.
Drupal 8
Create Your First Drupal 8 Module
Intro to Drupal 8 Vocabulary
PHPTemplate Will Be Removed from Drupal 8 Core
What Happened to Hook_Menu in Drupal 8?
Setting Up a Docker Development Environment with Vagrant - Part 3
Block Visibility Groups - Drupal 8 Blocks but Better
In this video and post Ted Bowman introduces us to this new Drupal 8 module that's an alternative to Panels and Context.
Backdrop 1.2.2
Fences 7.x-1.2
Modernizr 7.x-3.5
Restui 8.x-1.10
Talking Drupal #104 - Feature Debate
Using Panopoly and It's Drupal 8 Future with David Snopek - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Drupal Monopoly Board
My favorite Tweet of the week comes from Mark Conroy. "If I was designing a #Drupal monopoly board, this is what it might look like #DrupalCon."
List Your Job on Drupal Jobs
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Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US
DevOps Full Stack Developer
Spry Digital US