The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 21 February 9, 2012

This week we take a look at Sass, node.js, and oh yeah... Drupal. Seriously, the quality of this weeks links is superb. and well rounded so there is something for everybody.

Bob Kepford


Drupal 7.12 and 6.24 released

There are some issues with this release so make sure you read the release notes and as always back up before you upgrade.

Build Something Awesome: DrupalCon Hackathon 2012

From Our Sponsor

Drupal 8

Drupal 8 Initiatives: Strategy for the Mobile Initiative

John Albin Wilkins of the Drupal 8 Mobile Initiative outlines a plan for Drupal 8 on the mobile front. He begins by stating "The Drupal 8 Mobile initiative’s goal aims to make Drupal the leading mobile CMS platform." He goes on to outline 3 main objectives, Responsive Web design, Mobile-friendly forms, and Front-end performance.


Node.js and Drupal

Elliott Foster of Four Kitchens discusses how to use Node.js to do tasks that Drupal shouldn't or can't do. Elliott includes some good use cases for doing this and some real world examples you can try.

Using Drupal Contextual Filters in Views

Kronda Adair of Metal Toad gives us a quick primer on using Views contextual filters in Drupal 7(Views Arguments in Drupal 6 speak). The post also includes a screencast which is a huge help if you are new to this idea. Seriously, if you are new to the Views module you need to take a look at this.

Scheduling Drupal Site Updates the SysAdmin Way

Ben Holt shares a slick little shell script he used to get a little more sleep.

Choosing a WYSIWYG Editor for Drupal

It's no secret that I HATE WYSIWYG editors. That said, I agree with Jen Lampton that TinyMCE is the best one. Jen mentions a few plugins I was not aware of including spellchecking.

Documenting PHP with Doxygen: The Pros and Cons

15 modules to improve your Drupal administration - Part 1

This post over at lists 5 handy D6 and D7 modules you might find useful.

Add barcode(QRcode) to pdf using chart module

Lars Olesen shares how you can create a pdf with a QRcode in Drupal.

Per style private files

Cool little file trick from chx(Károly Négyesi).

Battle of the Drupal 7 Modules: CKEditor vs WYSIWYG

Art Williams over at gives us a comparison of using CKEditor with the WYSIWYG module and with the dedicated CKEditor module.

Creating nodes with images using phonegap and services

Creating your own entities with Entity API

How do you create a entity? When should you create one? Yuriy Gerasimov of walks us through the process.


A Responsive Drupal theme in 50 lines of code or less

Zivtech's Howard Tyson shows how you can use SASS and Compass to make your theme responsive. If you haven't tried SASS yet you should read this post and give it a go. If you have used SASS you still might learn a thing or two.

Boilerplate 1.0 for Drupal 7: Responsive HTML5 & SASS

Designing a responsive conference schedule for DrupalCon Denver


Drush Compass

Drush Compass module does just what it's name implies. It is a Drush plugin that compiles you SASS to CSS.

Entity Token

Steven Jones expounds on this module included in Entity API module.


Modules Unraveled: 005 Mike Carper and Drupal Back-End Performance

Brian talks with Mike Carper about his performance modules.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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