Issue 216 - November, 19th 2015
Drupal 8 Released!
Drupal 8 is scheduled to be released today!
Celebr8 D8
A site devoted to celebrating the release of Drupal 8. There are some pretty entertaining videos here. Migrates Content and File Delivery to Fastly annouces a partnership with Fastly to improve performance.
From Our Sponsor

Ask Us Anything: Dries Buytaert and Team Tell All on Drupal 8
Today marks a big milestone with the official release of Drupal 8. We could go on for days about the new improvements, but we want to hear from you. Join us on December 7 for an “Ask All, Tell All” Q&A session on all things Drupal 8 with Drupal’s founder himself, Dries Buytaert, and his superstar team. Register and submit your questions now!
Drupal, a Thesis.
An interesting look at the Drupal Community from Bryan Ollendyke. on Drupal, One Year Later
Dries Buytaert shares the success of the New York senate's move to Drupal.
Your Drupal Site Is a Platform
Jay Callicott makes the case creating custom installation profiles per site. In my experience this can be a very good idea. It isn't a new concept but it also isn't something I see most people doing.
Drupal 8
A Simple Drupal 7 to Drupal 8 Migration
Creating a Custom Filter in Drupal 8
Drupal 8 Multilingual Tidbits 19: Content Translation Development
Gábor Hojtsy explains the basics of content translation in Drupal 8.
Drupal 8 Multilingual Tidbits 20: Combination Use Cases with Content and Menus
Gábor Hojtsy continues his series of multilingual articles.
How to Add Classes to Links in Drupal 8
Panopoly 2.x for Drupal 8
Matt Cheney shares the Drupal 8 plans for the Panopoly distribution.
Video: Drupal 8 Beginner Series from OSTraining
OSTraining has made their Drupal 8 course freely available on YouTube. If you are new to Drupal 8 and want to learn the basics check it out.
Why Drupal 8 Is Defaulting Its Testing to PHP7 and Why You Should, Too
No More View Pages
Jim Birch explains some of the down sides of creating pages with views and suggests alternatives.
Speeding Up Your Drupal Website with Cloudflare
A Yoeman generator for new instances of the great Drupal VM project.
oEmbed in Drupal: Embed All the Things!
Bricks 7.x-4.5
Bueditor 8.x-1.0-Beta4
Ctools 8.x-3.0-Alpha19
Ds 8.x-2.0-Rc1
field_group 8.x-1.0-Rc3
Imce 8.x-1.0-Beta2
Mollom 8.x-1.0-Rc2
Omega 8.x-5.0-Alpha3
Panels 8.x-3.0-Alpha19
Paragraphs 8.x-1.0-Rc4
Restful 7.x-1.5
Restful 7.x-2.2
Services 8.x-4.0-Alpha1
Ubercart 8.x-4.0-Alpha1
upgrade_status 7.x-1.0-Alpha1
views_slideshow 8.x-4.0-Alpha4
DrupalEasy Podcast 164 - Dentistry (Paul Johnson - Drupal Social Media) - DrupalEasy Podcast
Noviembre 2015 - DrupalCamp Chile - Drupodcast
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