Issue 222 - January, 14th 2016
Drupal 8.0.2 Released
"Drupal 8.0.2, a maintenance release with numerous bug fixes (no security fixes), is now available for download. See the Drupal 8.0.2 release notes for a full list of included fixes."
New Coding Standards Update Process
"The Technical Working Group was rebooted about a year ago and has been working to clarify and close issues related to the technical aspect and ramping up to take on our biggest assignment: vetting, clarifying, accepting, and announcing all coding standards changes."
A Guide to Issue Credits and the Marketplace
"We want to highlight individuals and organizations that are actively contributing to Drupal. You can now attribute your work in the issue queues to your employer or a customer. Maintainers can award issues credits to people who help resolve issues with code, comments, design, and more. These credits can roll up to service providers listed in the Drupal Marketplace. (And eventually we want to show customers with credits as well.)"
What’s New on - December 2015
From Our Sponsor

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Check These 5 Things Before Heading to DrupalCon Asia in 2016
The Indian Community Is Excited to Welcome You!
Selecting a Client-Side Framework for Drupal
In this post Dries continues the discussion he began in his previous post about a client side framework for Drupal. There's now a comparison matrix with experts in this topic weighing in. There appear to be issues with the licenses of a few of the more popular projects and the overall discussion seems to be very active with some great questions and problems being raised. The whole idea of picking one frame work concerns me but I am glad to see the care being given to the discussion.
Drupal Security Team Response About Insecure Update Process
The Drupal Security Team's official responses to a recent report of vulnerabilities from a security research are worth reading. I do want to point out that all software can have vulnerabilities and the fact that Drupal is open source means we can be aware of these issues and work to resolve them.
One Word to Save Your Project
A simple tip from Jeff Diecks, but one that can make a huge impact on your work, and happiness when working on a project for a client.
The Curious Incident of the Wrong Theme Being Used After a Cache Clear in Drupal 7
John Ennew shares an interesting bug that cropped up in one of his projects.
You Can Organize a Small Local Sprint as Part of Drupal Global Sprint Weekend 2016
YesCT's guide to organizing a local sprint.
Display an Specific Node with Views in Drupal 7
Everything You Need to Know About Drupal 8: The Ultimate Guide
With an object-oriented programming approach, built-in web services, front-end dev flexibility with Twig, and more, Drupal 8 redefines “ease of use” for developers. Make sure you’re up to speed on all of the 200+ changes and improvements with Acquia’s Ultimate Guide to Drupal 8!
Tutorial: Create a Weather and News Reader App with Ionic and Drupal
Drupal 8 Themes for Beginners
Who doesn't like a list post? Ok, I know some of you probably don't but if you are looking for D8 themes check out this list.
Drupal Security Best Practices - a Practical Guide
Check out this free PDF/Ebook of security best practices. There are a lot of great tips in here.
Drupal 8.0.2
captcha_free 8.x-1.1
field_group 7.x-1.5
Integrity 8.x-1.5
Linkit 7.x-3.5
Linkit 8.x-4.0
Panels 8.x-3.0-Beta1
Panopoly 7.x-1.30
read_more 7.x-1.1
Video 8.x-1.1
The Workflow Methodology to Train Your Team on Drupal 8
With all of the updates in Drupal 8, it’s important to ensure that you and your team are fully trained on the improvements. Join Acquia and OSTraining to hear about the course outline used to teach newcomers and site-builders, the skills such as Twig and Headless Drupal that Drupal themers will need, and the necessary abilities for Drupal developers such as Symfony and the new REST API. Register now!
DrupalCamp NJ 2016
January 29th - 30 in Princeton, New Jersey
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