Issue 228 - February, 25th 2016
Let's Meet the 2016 Drupal Association Board Candidates
You Need to Update Libc on All Your Linux Servers NOW!
From Our Sponsor

Looking for the Next Level of Drupal Security?
Do critical security updates stress your workday? Yes? That's lousy. How about trusting in Drop Guard? It keeps your Drupal website secure – always & automatically. It works in perfect alignment with your GIT-based development & deployment workflows to process your Drupal core & contrib updates automatically. Update stress-free & secure one of your websites for free (offer expires 02/29/16).
A Seminal Moment for Drupal - DrupalCon Asia
Paul Johnson has a nice look at the first DrupalCon Asia including some nice pictures.
DrupalCon New Orleans Has a Dedicated PHP Track!
5 Security Modules That Every Drupal Website Must Have
An Introduction to GraphQL and What It Means for Drupal
GraphQL is coming to Drupal 8, and portends a dizzying shift in both how client-side applications request and receive data and how payloads are interpreted and formatted on the server side. In this webinar, learn about the compelling features of GraphQL, the impacts of this on Drupal and the REST layer now in core, limitations of typical RESTful APIs and how GraphQL aims to solve them, and more.
Deciding When to Upgrade to Drupal 8
Javascript Aggregation in Drupal 7
Relaunching on Drupal 8
Michale Anello outlines DrupalEasy's move to Drupal 8. Some good things to note in this post.
Big Migration Guide to Drupal 8 - Part I
Big Migration Guide to Drupal 8 - Part II
Generating URLs and Redirects in Drupal 8
Every Drupal developer needs to generate URLs and the methods for doing so have changed in Drupal 8. Balazs Dianiska shows us how to do it correctly.
How to Streamline a Vagrant Workflow with Vagrant-Exec
Stephen Lucero introduces us to a handy Vagrant plugin that eases interacting with your Vagrant machines.
Logging in Drupal 8
I've been hearing about the great Monolog project for while. I hear it's the best PHP logging tool and you can use it on your Drupal projects!
Quick Tip: Set Up Drupal 8 with Composer!
Simple Tips to Improve Drupal Performance: No Coding Required
Drupal is an extremely flexible framework with an abundance of configuration options, and with that comes the need to balance performance and flexibility. Read this eBook to learn how to optimize the performance of your Drupal site without any knowledge of coding, server configuration, or the command line. Topics covered include common troubleshooting tactics and solutions, how to optimize certain performance-related modules, and more.
Supplying Thumbnails to Your Headless Drupal Front End
A look at an using Drupal 8's new REST functionality from Dan Polant.
Using Entity Reference Fields in Drupal Views
Contact + Contact Storage (Contrib) Module as a Drupal 8 Webform/Entityform Replacement
One of the big modules that hasn't been ported to Drupal 8 is webform. But Mike Anello shows us that you might be able to get by with core and a new contrib modules named Contact Storage.
Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Metatag
A take a look at Metatag module in Drupal 8 in this post from Acqui'a JAM.
Entity Browser Got Configuration UI
A big advancement in the Entity browser module for Drupal 8.
Drupal VM 2.3.0 Released - Dashboard, Windows, Tests, and More
I've been using Drupal VM for several months and it's a great project. If you are looking to level up your dev environment you should try it out.
migrate_manifest 8.x-1.2
156 Using BigPipe to Achieve Incredible Site Speed in Drupal 8 with Wim Leers - Modules Unraveled Podcast
Dropcast: Episode 17 - Enter Sandcamp
Dropcast: Episode 17 - Enter Sandcamp - the one without me on it. So it should be really good.
Drupal, Meet PHP FIG: PSR What? 2016 with Lorna Mitchell - Acquia Podcast
DrupalEasy Podcast 169 - Future President (John Kennedy, D8 Module Acceleration Program)
Florida DrupalCamp 2016
March 5th and 6th, 2016 Orlando, Florida.
TexasCamp 2016
April 1st and 2nd, 2016 in Dallas, Texas
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