The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 23 February 23, 2012

This week we have news on the Drupal 8 front. Dries announces target dates for Drupal 8 and we get updates on the Drupal 8 Web Services and Context Core Initiative. Now, let's get to the good stuff. - Bob


Drupal 8 feature freeze: December 1st, 2012

Dries has laid out a few dates for Drupal 8. December 1, 2012: Feature freeze, no new features. February 1, 2013: Code freeze, focus on bug fixes. August, 2013 (DrupalCon Europe 2013): Drupal 8 released. If you care about Drupal 8 now is the time to get involved.

Vote for the Next DrupalCon Europe 2013 Host City

This poll takes just a few minutes to complete, and responses will be accepted through March 1st in all time zones (deadline is 11:59pm UTC -10 hours).

Announcing CiviCRM 4.1

This release includes support for Drupal 7, Drupal 6, Joomla 1.7/2.5, and Wordpress 3.3.

Blue Drop Awards 2012 - Celebrating Drupal Innovation

Recognize our fellow Drupalers making great sites on March 27. Awards will be given in categories ranging from personal sites to the Enterprise. To get involved just create an account and nominate your favorite sites. No category for best newsletter? Oh well, it still sounds pretty cool.

From Our Sponsor


Drupal Camp Costa Rica

April 23rd 2012 in Sabanilla de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica.

Frontend United

April 20th - 22nd, 2012 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


Drupal in Education Unconference

If you are attending DrupalCon Denver and you work in the education sector don't miss this event. It's the day before DrupalCon on Monday, March 19th in Denver at the Del Pueblo School.

DrupalCon Training: Drupal Powered E-Commerce

The Commerce Guys are offering a March 19th pre-conference training session focused on e-commerce with Drupal 7.

DrupalCon Training: Making the Switch (for Experienced Developers Moving to Drupal)

If you are an experienced developer ready to dive into Drupal, then take a look at this pre-conference training session on March 19th.

Every business needs to know how Drupal Means Business

Drupal Means Business on Thursday, March 22 and will include a full day of business-focused content aimed at anyone in a decision making position considering Drupal.

Drupal 8

The future is a RESTful Drupal

Dries summarizes the Web Services and Context Core (WSCCI) sprint. I for one am very pleased that this is the direction that Drupal is headed.

Refocusing WSCCI

Larry Garfield (Crell), the WSCCI (Web Services and Context Core Initiative) lead gives us an update on this very important initiative following last week's summit meeting at Acquia HQ. He outlines the goals and next steps which could be huge for Drupal.

Drupal 8: The path forward

Daniel F. Kudwien (sun) gives us more insight into the plan for Drupal 8 as it relates to WSCCI.

Articles & Tutorials

Drupal Cross Server Workflow (Deployment)

Over on the Drupal Answers Stack Exchange site (great Drupal resource btw), David Csonka has shared a great list of links covering various Drupal deployment methods.

EntityFieldQuery: Let Drupal Do The Heavy Lifting (Pt 1)

Tim Cosgrove over at Treehouse Agency shows how easy it is to build queries with Drupal 7's EntityFieldQuery API.

How To Add Presentational Javascript to Your Drupal 7 Site

Art Williams gives us a brief primer on adding Javascript to your theme selectively or globally.

Migrate More with Less!

Ashok Modi (BTMash) shares how he learned to love and create dynamic migrations with the Migrate module.

Custom Sort Drupal Content with the Draggable Views Module

Metal Toad Media's Kronda Adair gives us a tutorial including a screencast covering Draggable Views module. Draggable Views allows you to manually sort your results in the browser.

Drupal on Lion (OS X 10.7)

MAMP is a solid tool and running a virtual machine with Vagrant is great but sometimes you just want to work with your local Mac environment. Andrew Morton shares his stack setup on OS X Lion.


Automatic Entity Label

Randy Fay mentioned this module on Twitter this week calling it Automatic Nodetitles for Entities. This is one to watch.

Module Monday: Views Dependent Filters

Jeff Eaton gives a nice summery of this handy module that allows views exposed filters to be controlled by other exposed filters.

Understanding the Entity API Module

Evolving Web's Logan Smyth shares his love of Entity API Module highlighting its views and rules integration, exporting and features integration, automatic CRUD UI, and much more.


DrupalEasy Podcast 74: The Marketing of Drupal

Guests Dave Terry (Mediacurrent), John Hannah (Friendly Machine), and Glenn Hilton (ImageX Media) join the DrupalEasy crew discussing marketing Drupal.

009 Larry Garfield and The Future of Drupal Core - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Larry Garfield (Crell) joins Brian to discuss the Web Services and Context Core Initiative. This is a good primer on WSCCI.

Acquia Podcast 39: John Albin on Mobile In Drupal

John Albin Wilkins joins Steve Edwards to discuss the Drupal 8 Mobile initiative.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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