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Issue 232 - March, 24th 2016


Sessions, Training Opportunities Announced for DrupalCon New Orleans

Time to start figuring out what you want to see at DrupalCon.

Coding Standards Proposals for Final Discussion on 4/1

"The TWG coding standards committee is announcing two coding standards changes for final discussion. These appear to have reached a point close enough to consensus for final completion. The new process for proposing and ratifying changes is documented on the coding standards project page."

Is a 24-Hour Wednesday Bugfix Release Window Important for Your Sites?

"Since 2011, Drupal core has had a scheduled monthly bugfix release window, and since 2012, this window has specifically been on the first Wednesday of the month. We are considering extending this window so that a bugfix release is scheduled to come out during a specific week, but not necessarily on Wednesday or any particular day."

Backwards Compatibility Policy Updated for 8.1.x

From Our Sponsor


15 Steps to Life Without Drupaler Burnout

A great post on how to avoid burnout. These tips can apply to pretty much any type of work.

Building with Drupal and Angular 2: An Introduction

Matt Davis discusses how Wunderground updated the progressively decoupled Drupal back end to support Angular 2 and ultimately to be Javascript angnostic.

D8FTW: REST in Core

Larry Garfield talks about REST in Drupal core. In this post he explains how Serialization, REST Resources, and REST UI work.

Easy Ways to Make Your Website More Accessible

Get a Decorator for Your Drupal Home

Great read for those who are newer to object oriented development. I imagine that is a lot of us.

Get the Ultimate Guide to Drupal 8

Drupal 8 makes development easier than ever before. Architected for developer productivity with support for object-oriented web development, PHP, Symfony, and more, with 200+ new features and improvements, it’s the most advanced version of Drupal yet. Read The Ultimate Guide to Drupal 8 to get up to speed on all of the exciting changes.

How Should You Decouple Drupal?

A nice article and flow chart from Dries Buytaert to help you answer this question.

What's Coming in Drupal 8.1?

Daniel Pickering summarizes the new modules and features in Drupal 8.1.x.


Defining and Altering Routes in Drupal 8

Delete All Nodes from a Particular Content Type Using Devel Generate

Nice set of tips including a devel module Drush command argument for deleting nodes.

Drupal Security Audits: What to Look For

Installing and Configuring Redis for Drupal 7, and Other Memcached Alternatives

MongoDB as a Caching Solution for Drupal 7

Setting Up Your Drupal Acquia Dev Desktop

A few weeks ago I linked to a post about why the Acquia Dev Desktop great for people new to Drupal. In this post OSTraining's Daniel Pickering shows how to set it up.

Use Drupal 8 Cache Tags with Varnish and Purge


17 Cool Drupal Modules | March 2016

42 Modules in 42 Minutes: The New Modules for Drupal 8

Acquia’s Drupal 8 Module Acceleration Program has accelerated the release of 42 modules readily available for Drupal 8. Join this webinar to learn how to use the new concepts and modules of Drupal 8 to build an advanced authoring experience, the pros and cons of competitive concepts and modules, and an overview of the updated functionality of each of the accelerated modules.

Civil Comments Drupal Module

Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Linkit


Drupal 8.1.0-Beta2

Amp 7.x-1.0-Beta1

Amp 8.x-1.0-Beta3

Deploy 7.x-2.0-Beta2

features_builder 7.x-1.1

Lightning 8.x-1.0-Beta5

node_title_validation 7.x-1.2

node_title_validation 8.x-1.1

Openatrium 7.x-2.60

Turbolinks 8.x-1.0-Alpha1


How to Use Views Relationships

"On this podcast, Bob shows how to use Views Relationships. It may be one of those things you've glossed over, but is a really powerful functionality to wrap your mind around. "

Friday 5: 5 Minutes on Configuring Your Drupal Site

My pal Ryan Gibson talks about configuring a Drupal 8 site.


Benefits of Testing, PHP FIG, Drupal 8 - with Sebastian Bergmann, 2 of 2 [Video] - Acquia Podcast


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Published by Bob Kepford

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