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Issue 233 - March, 31st 2016


2016 Drupal Association at-Large Election Winner Announced

Congratulations to our newly elected DA Board member Shyamala Rajaram!

Communicating Better on

The Drupal Association outlines how they will be improving communication in various ways.

Drupal 8.1.0-Rc1 on April 6 and What It Means for 8.0.x

A IRC/online meeting discussing Drupal 8.1.0-rc1 on April 5th - 7th.

From Our Sponsor


Yes, Drupal 8 Is Slower Than Drupal 7 - Here's Why

A great read from Jeff Geerling.

How to Organize a Drupal Meetup: 3 Lessons Learned from Experience

Drupal Console Deep Dive: How to Develop Faster and Smarter on Drupal 8

Managing the increasing complexity of Drupal 8 can be daunting. Writing a module now involves a lot of boilerplate code, and there is a lot you need to know in order to get started. Drupal Console is a suite of tools that runs on a command line interface to help you manage that complexity. This webinar will cover what Drupal Console is, how to leverage modern PHP practices introduced into Drupal 8, and more.


Checking for the Existence of a Field Value in Twig

Michael Anello shares some Twig foo for those new to Drupal 8.

Create Content-Managed, Full-Width Background Images in Drupal

A clever approach to responsive background images from Kalamuna's Josh Walker.

Drupal Tutorial: Use Views to Create an Alphabetical List of Taxonomy Terms

Enabling "Development Mode" on a Local Drupal 8 Site

"Drupal 8 includes some great debugging tools built-in, but it isn't always super-obvious how to access them. Luckily, the Drupal Console "site:mode" command helps out quite a bit..."

How to Configure SimpleSAMLphp for Drupal 8 on Acquia

Avoid These 5 Mistakes on Your Drupal Website

After numerous site audits, we’ve gathered the top lessons learned as well as tips and tricks for creating and maintaining effective Drupal sites. Learn about best practices and common mistakes in 5 crucial areas: architecture, security, performance, infrastructure, and website lifecycle.

Theming Views in Drupal 8 - Custom Style Plugins

Using Block Visibility Groups to Create Conditional Layouts in Drupal 8

Writing PHPunit Tests for Your Custom Modules in Drupal 8

"Integrating PHPunit into your custom modules is now even easier."


9 Reasons Group for Drupal 8 Is Awesome

Group is an alternate to the Organic Groups module.

Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Search API

Edit Your Own Help Text with New Drupal 7 and Drupal 8 Module

Zivtech's Jody Hamilton introduces us to a new module from Jonathan DeLaigle that makes help text easy to update.

Essential Drupal Security Modules

A nice list of security focused modules from the Drop Guard Blog.

How to Try Out AMP with Drupal

Security Review 1.3 Released for Drupal 6!

I can't remember the last time I linked to a post about a Drupal 6 module but this one is important.

The RefreshLess Module Brings Turbolinks to Drupal 8

Another really slick performance related module for Drupal 8.


Advagg 7.x-2.18

Entity 8.x-0.1

Features 7.x-2.8


Drupal Console and Beer - Pilot Episode

A new YouTube series with the goal of keeping you informed about changes on Drupal Console project.

Lightning Talk: Page Manager and Panels in Drupal 8

A quick look at Panels in Drupal from Ivan Zugec.

State of Drupal Presentation (February 2016)

Dries Buytaert keynote slides from DrupalCon Asia.


158 Using the Group Module as an Alternative to Organic Groups in Drupal 7 and 8 with Kristiaan Van Den Eynde - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Drupalcon: A Look Ahead to ‘Nawlins - Lullabot Podcast

So How Was It? Recent Graduates Talk About Acquia U - Acquia Podcast



April 8th 2016 in Philadelphia


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Published by Bob Kepford

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