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Issue 238 - May, 5th 2016


Google Summer of Code 2016 - Selected Projects

Make It Official with Your Certificate of Drupal Association Membership

From Our Sponsor


Join the Drupal 8 Major Triage at DrupalCon New Orleans

Training Spotlight: Beginner Level Courses


Handling Context in "outside-in"

I'm really enjoying Dries Buytaert brainstorming on user experience posts. These prototypes are not perfect but I love that this is happening and energy is being spent on this topic.

How Is Drupal 8 Doing?

Dries talks about where Drupal 8 is six months after it's release.

Connect with myDropWizard at DrupalCon New Orleans!

Interested in Drupal 6 Long-Term Support, white-label support and maintenance or just geeking out about Drupal? Meet up with us at DrupalCon!


404 Not Found: The Monster Under Your Bed

Adding CSS Classes to Blocks in Drupal 8

Cache API in Drupal

Custom Drupal-to-Drupal Migrations with Migrate Tools

Demystifying Drupal 8's breakpoints.yml File

Drupal 6 to Drupal 8(.1.x) Custom Content Migration

How Do I Manage Security on My Drupal 6 Site?

A really good post covering how to handle that Drupal 6 site you haven't been able to upgrade yet.

Migrate a Custom JSON Feed in Drupal 8 with Migrate Source JSON

Porting Token Module to Drupal 8

Saving and Retrieving Taxonomy Terms Programmatically for Drupal 8

Simplified & Elegant Git Based Deployments!

REPOMAN.IO was made for small businesses, freelancers, enthusiasts, and anyone else looking for economical deployment options. Stop managing those custom scripts and focus more on innovating! Plans start at FREE.

Upgrading Drupal Media Module to 7.x-2.x


Breakthrough Media Management in Drupal with SCALD - Part I

Looking for an alternative to the Media module? Bálint Junkuncz give us an intro to the SCALD project.

Commerce 2.0-Alpha4 Released

Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Responsive and Off-Canvas Menu

"On mobile devices, the module provides an off-canvas menu triggered by swipe gestures or a ‘burger’ icon; on desktop-width displays, it provides a horizontal menu with drop-downs."

Introducing an HTTP API for Drupal 8 Entity Queries

Kint Is the Drupal 8 Alternative to Krumo

If you used Devel module in Drupal 7 to assist you in your theming check out Kint in D8.

Media Entity Reaches 8.x-1.0!


Date 7.x-2.10-Rc1

Ds 7.x-2.14

fieldable_panels_panes 7.x-1.9

Graphql 8.x-1.0

Lightning 7.x-1.0-Beta9

media_entity 8.x-1.0

Refreshless 8.x-1.0-Alpha3

Restful 7.x-2.9


Can We Save the Open Web?

Dries Buytaert's talk from SxSW about saving the open web. When he says the "open web" he means the web as a platform of open protocols that anyone can use. Very glad Dries is speaking on this topic.

Creating Layouts with the Layout Plugin Module in Drupal 8


Acquia Podcast - BigPipe in Drupal: Bigger, Better Performance for Free

DrupalEasy Podcast 167 - Ted Spoils Star Wars (2015 Year in Review)

DrupalEasy Podcast 174 - Floss Belt (Ryan Szrama - Drupal Commerce)


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Published by Bob Kepford

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