Issue 242 - June, 2nd 2016
Drupal Association News: Reorganizing for a Changing Drupal
The Drupal Association is restructuring which includes a reduction in size from 25 to 17 employees. I am sad for both the individuals as well as our community. Megan Sanicki explains the reasons why this needed to happen and the focus for the DA going forward.
Saying Goodbye
Drupal Association CTO Joshua Mitchell shares thoughts on his time with the DA.
Gábor Hojtsy: Winner of the 2016 Aaron Winborn Award
From Our Sponsor

Entities 101: Understanding Data Structures in Drupal
Nodes, content entities, config entities, bundles, display modes... what? Understanding the philosophy behind the Entity system is important in order to make better decisions on how to build sites that work well. Learn about the different data structures in Drupal, how they work, and when to use them. Topics covered will include config vs. content entities, the differences between core entities like taxonomy, nodes, and users, and more.
Changes with the Drupal Association
"... the Drupal Association's Board of Directors made the strategic decision to shift some focus from the "contribution journey" to the "evaluator's adoption journey" -- without compromising our ability to build and maintain the Drupal software." Dries Buytaert shares his thoughts on the changes to the Drupal Association.
Angular Universal and PHP, First Adventures in V8Js
"It is a strange idea, and the first time I looked at the example code associated with it I was left somewhere between curious and offended..."
Drupal 8 Commerce Is on the Way! DrupalCon New Orleans 2016.
Great summary of new features and basic info about Commerce 2 in Drupal 8 from Rakesh James.
Fighting Spam in Drupal: Big Pipe to the Rescue
An interesting use of Big Pipe.
Is Now the Time to Drop Drupal for Wordpress?
Drupal 8 is finally out - but there's lots of uncertainty. Should we stay the course, or abandon ship?
My Road to Drupal and GSoC
Google Summer of Code recipient discusses the effort to web componentize Drupal 8 and the path to getting back into Drupal.
Build Robust Forms in Drupal 8
Tanner J. Ferguson has written a quality overview of the web form features in Drupal 8 as well as some useful contributed modules.
Drush Commands for Themers and Site Builders
Covers both Drupal 7 and 8. Long time Drush users might not find anything new but if you haven't used Drush on a D8 site you might find this useful anyway.
How to Register an Event Subscriber in Drupal 8
Installing XHProf to Profile Your Drupal Module
Scripting Drupal Development with Drush
Simple Tips to Improve Drupal Performance (No Coding Required!)
Drupal is an extremely flexible framework, with an abundance of configuration options, and with any large framework, flexibility and performance must be balanced. With the correct configuration, Drupal can be lightning fast. Learn how to optimize performance of your Drupal site without any knowledge of coding, server configuration, or the command line.
What I Learned Today: Views Plugin Debugging
A nice debugging tip from Metal Toad's Jonathan Jordan.
12 Cool Drupal Modules for Site Builders
A Quick Decoupled Blocks Update
Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Media Entity
"This module helps site owners in at least two ways. Important information--metadata--about individual media items that used to be hard to obtain can now be easily made part of rich media libraries. It also allows them to use whatever standard tools they are already familiar with to manipulate their media, making integration with other systems and other parts of their websites much easier."
Exporting Practically Anything in Drupal to PDFs
A new project that provides configurable PDF exports of nodes.
Introducing Acquia BLT, a Development Tool for Generating New Drupal 8 Projects
Haven't had time to test this out but it looks like a very useful tool with many best practices baked in.
composer_manager 8.x-1.0-Rc2
entity_reference_revisions 8.x-1.0-Rc7
file_entity 7.x-2.0-Beta3
Mailsystem 8.x-4.0
Media 7.x-2.0-Beta2
media_entity 8.x-1.1
Paragraphs 8.x-1.0-Rc5
Pdb 8.x-1.0-Alpha1
Poll 8.x-1.0
Xmlsitemap 7.x-2.3
Friday 5: 5 Tips for Improving Your Site's SEO
Damien McKenna discusses 5 Tips for Improving Your Site's SEO.
Search in Drupal 8
Acquia Podcast: Acquia U, Before and After - Meet Ally Gonthier
DrupalEasy Podcast 177: New Orleans Day 3
Mediacurrent: Dropcast: Episode 20 - Kind of a Big Deal
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