The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 247 - July, 7th 2016


Coding Standards Proposals for Final Discussion on 7/12

"The TWG coding standards committee is announcing two coding standards changes for final discussion. These appear to have reached a point close enough to consensus for final completion."

DrupalCon News: The More Exciting World of Core Contributions

"The Core Conversations track is a place for sessions that spark discussion, open questions, and form the base for an ongoing development in the Drupal core space."

From Our Sponsor


Docker Native Mac App: A Review from a Drupal Perspective

Ian Lintner explains some of the pros and cons of using the new native Docker app for Drupal work.

Drupal Is for Ambitious Digital Experiences

Dries Buytaert suggests Drupal have a more defined focus. Worth reading if you are involved in Drupal in any way.

A Taste of Drupal; the Dish on Crushing It as a Drupal Developer

If you are new(er) to Drupal and you could use a guide to creating your recipe for success, DrupalEasy has some tips and a menu of resources, including free online seminars coming up in August and September.

Should I Disable PHP Warnings and Notices?

Jeff Geerling explains why you should show all errors while you are developing a Drupal application.

The Awesome Austin Drupal Dojo

I link to this article because this is a cool idea that many local Drupal user groups could adopt.


A Quick Gotcha with Drupal 8's and Aggregated JavaScript

Drupal 8 Configuration Workflows

How to Enhance Your Content Authoring by Adding Custom CKEditor Plugin in Drupal 8?

Send Us Your WORST Client!

Struggling to make your next deadline, when a problem client needs you to drop everything to give them support? Consider white-label Drupal support and maintenance!

Making Drupal 8's Menu Active Trail Consider Query Arguments

Great example of overriding a service in Drupal 8.


Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Inline Entity Form

Jeffrey McGuire discusses one of my favorite module's Drupal 8 version.

Some Useful Contributed Modules for Drupal 8

A good list of modules. Do note, some of these modules don't yet have full releases available.


Amp 7.x-1.0

Amp 8.x-1.0

Cod 7.x-2.0-Beta2

Coder 8.x-2.8

Colorbox 8.x-1.1

media_entity 8.x-1.2

menu_block 8.x-1.1

menu_link_attributes 8.x-1.0-Beta2

Metatag 7.x-1.17

Panelizer 7.x-3.2

search_api 7.x-1.19

Services 7.x-3.15


Drupal Commerce 2.x with the "Guys" from the Commerce Guys - Lullabot Podcast

DrupalEasy Podcast 180 - Pimping GovCon (Sarah Thrasher - GovCon)

Modules Unraveled: 161 Website Audits and How to Do Them Right with Jon Peck

Talking Drupal #123 - Paragraphs


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Published by Bob Kepford

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