The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 250 - July, 28th 2016


Drupal 8.2.0 Will Be Released October 5; Beta Begins Week of August 3

"Drupal 8.2.0, the next planned minor release of Drupal 8, is scheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 2016. Minor releases include new features, usability improvements, and backwards-compatible API improvements."

DrupalCon News: DrupalCon Dublin Sessions Announced

Javascript End-to-End Testing Added

"As part of 8.1.x we introduced a way to test javascript code in a end-to-end testing way, this means, the entire Drupal site, (exactly like in WebTestCase / BrowserTestBase) is set up."

Highlights of Issues You Can Still Help with for Drupal 8.2.0-Beta1

Annertech's Andrew Macpherson Becomes Drupal Core Maintainer for Accessibility

From Our Sponsor


Why Is Learning Drupal Hard?

A great article by Joe Shindelar discussing specifically what is difficult about learning Drupal. "...if we want to continue to make it easier for people to learn Drupal we first need to understand why it is perceived as difficult in the first place."

How to Convince Your Client Slideshows Are Bad

Carie Fisher provides great advice for those times when the client wants to have a slideshow and you know it's not a good idea.

Acquia Lightning: Speed Drupal 8 Development by 20% or More

Acquia Lightning, an open source Drupal 8 distribution with 20+ key Drupal modules included to accelerate most Drupal development by 20% or more, enables developers to create great authoring experiences that empower enterprise editorial and marketing teams. Try it now to experience functionality like drag-and-drop layouts, media management, flexible workflow, and experience preview to start building better, faster.


Drupal 7 Ctools content_type Plugin with Multiple Subtypes

Have you ever wondered though what the $subtype parameter in the ctools content_type render function serves?

Drupal 8 Routing Tricks for Better Admin URLs

Drupal 8 Tutorials for Beginners

Just getting your feet wet with D8? DC Denison has curated a nice list of resources.

Drupal Training Going Global

From free mini-workshops for those new on the Drupal scene; to in-depth career technical education; to D8 module and theme development, DrupalEasy is stepping out and stepping up our stellar training programs – online and in-person at camps and DrupalCon Dublin! Join us in our quest to further develop Drupal talent worldwide! Visit DrupalEasy Academy for the full schedule.

How to Wrap a Drupal Views Field in Any HTML Element

Injecting Dependencies Into Drupal 8 Plugins

The Power of Extending Twig Templates

A great example of why Drupal adopting Twig was a great idea.


Announcing New Open Source Initiative

A new project that helps you spin up Drupal sites in Docker containers.

Drupal 8 Media Guide

The Drupal Media team has published a Drupal 8 Media Guide on GitBook.

Drupal 8 Module of the Week: Permissions by Term

How to Access Readme Files in Drupal 8

Access Drupal Readme files with the README module.


Scheduler 7.x-1.5

search_api 7.x-1.20

Yamlform 8.x-1.0-Beta10


Acquia Podcast - Live from DrupalCon Mumbai: Meet Acquia Pune!

DrupalEasy Podcast 181 - Everybody Used to Live in Florida (Jon Pugh - Open Devshop)

Mediacurrent: Dropcast: Episode 22 - the Jim Birch Society

Talking Drupal #124 - OTC#4


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Published by Bob Kepford

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