Issue 26 March 15, 2012
DrupalCon Denver begins next week and if you can find me on Monday or Tuesday before I give them all away, you can get a free t-shirt. And for those of you who are not attending DrupalCon Denver, you only have to hear about it for one more week. ~ Bob
Detailed Response To Publicly Posted Csrf Concerns In Drupal 7.12
Last week several sites publicly posted security "vulnerabilities" in Drupal 7.12. I add the quotes since in my opinion these issues have been explained in detail by Greg Knaddison and others. If you are unfamiliar with the Drupal Security Team and their policies you should take some time to read this post.
Aegir 1.7 Released
This release includes bugfixes and many fixes related to Nginx support. The Aegir project is making progress toward a 2.x release which will include Drush 5 and Drupal 7 support.
From Our Sponsor
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As a reader of the Weekly Drop, we are pleased to offer you early access to Pantheon. Pantheon is a free service for Drupal developers that lets you effortlessly develop and run Drupal sites that are fast, stable and secure. Sign up here to receive your invitation immediately.
DrupalCon Denver
A First Timer's Guide to DrupalCon
Denver will not be my first DrupalCon but I learned a couple things from Jeff Geerling's guide. Worth a read before you head to the Mile High City.
Birds of a Feather (BoF) Scheduler Now Available!
Content Staging In Core - Let's Make A Plan
Free Access To Over 610 Drupal Video Tutorials On Drupalcon Sprint Day
Chris Shattuck is opening up the vault for the DrupalCon sprints on March 24th. Chris does great work and you should take him up on his offer.
Articles & Tutorials
Drupal's Experience Gap, Part 1
Michael Anello of DrupalEasy has posted an interesting article about the shortage of experienced Drupal devs. If you haven't been following along, Mike is a part of the Drupal Career Starter Program that trained laid-off workers from the Kennedy Space Center in the ways of Drupal. I'm looking forward to reading part two.
Drupal's Governance
Using Eclipse PDT for Drupal Development
Over on the Cocomore blog Lowell Montgomery has delivered a detailed primer outlining using the Eclipse IDE for Drupal development. Lowell shares the pros and cons of picking Eclipse in addition to a list of shortcuts and plugins.
How To Run Javascript, In Drupal's Admin Overlay, On Load
If you are still a little green when it comes to working with Javascript in Drupal this short tutorial from Alli Price is worth a read.
Building a Multistep Registration Form in Drupal 7
Creating Facebook Canvas Apps & Page Tabs
If it hasn't already happened, at some point you will be asked to integrate a Drupal site with Facebook. Chris Didcote walks us through creating a FB Canvas page which is basically a wrapper for displaying your external content in Facebook.
Extending Form API #states with regular expressions
Using hook_views_alter to Add a "GROUP BY" Statement
While Ryan Oles post covers Drupal 6 and Views 2 take a look in the comments for a Drupal 7 code example.
Font Sizing Using Rem On Drupal 7 Themes
You know I feel like HTML5 gets all the press while to often CSS3 plays second fiddle. Art Williams shares his experience using rems in Drupal themes.
11 Useful Drupal Theme Frameworks You Might Not Have Seen
A nice list of Drupal themes from Steve Burge over at
Modules Unraveled: 012
Greg Dunlap joins Brian to discuss the Configuration Management Initiative for Drupal 8.
The Web Ahead #19: Internet in Your Pocket with Luke Wroblewski
Jen Simmons of the Bartik theme chats with Luke Wroblewski, author of Mobile First and Keynote speaker at DrupalCon Denver about mobile, mobile first, and the mobile web.
Video and Slide Decks
Devops and Drupal, the Survey, the Results
Kris Buytaert has an interesting slide deck covering the topic of Devops. It's both humorous and informative. Case Study
Marketplace is a public radio program many of you may be familiar with. What you may not know that they are using Drupal. Christefano Reyes of shared the video of the team's presentation at the January Downtown LA Drupal meetup. The Marketplace team shares their experiences migrating from two different legacy CMS's and much more.
Entity List Display
Module Monday: Edit Limit
Edit limit module does exactly what the name implies. It allows you to limit the edit rights on nodes including the number of edits and the time frame in which a node can be edited. Mr Eaton goes into more detail in his usual witty style.
The Druplacat
What happened when Github's Octocat and Drupalicon met!
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