Issue 263 - October, 27th 2016
What's New on - September 2016
From Our Sponsor

Speedrun: Build a Website with Lightning in 45 Minutes
Learn how to build a website with Panels, Media and more in only 45 minutes! This webinar will deconstruct how to develop a brand-specific theme based on bootstrap using a css styleguide, how to configure new panelizer layouts and set defaults for editors and long-scroll landing pages using panels, how to create views-based social feeds with curation based on a taxonomy, and more.
The New Drupal 8 Initiatives
Addison Berry explains how the new initiatives in Drupal 8 are going to work.
Managing Your Website with Composer? Drop Guard Has Got You Covered!
Secure your Drupal project with Drop Guard, the fast and smart way to manage core and contrib updates. Drop Guard integrates with Composer, JIRA, Redmine and your favourite CI tool. Convince yourself for free!
Drupal 8 UX: Fix CKEditor Form Height
Fixing the Composer Global Command
Greg Anderson shares the Cgr project to avoid dependency issues caused by using composer global install.
How to Make Fields Persistent in Drupal 8
See how Web Wash solved the need to have a field automatically added to new content types in the same way body fields are automatically added.
Clients Don’t Want to Be Billed Hourly for Site Maintenance - Even if They Say They Do!
Why providing maintenance and support "hourly as needed" is worse for you and the client (even if they don't realize it yet)
Migrating XML in Drupal 8
Learn how you can use the Migrate Plus module in Drupal 8 to import remote and local XML data.
Responsive Images in Drupal 8 Using "srcset"
Chris Free shows us how to use srcset for images in Drupal 8.
Understanding Drupal 8 Routes and Controllers
Conductor, a Composer UI
Matt Glaman shares a GUI for Composer.
CSSgram Recreating Instagram Like Filters for Drupal 8
"CSSgram module supplements Drupal Image styling experience by making Instagram like filters available to your Drupal 8 site images, we do this with help of CSSgram library."
Getting NYU Onto YAML Form
Brian Lewis shares how he used YAML Form module in Drupal 8 to provide event registration.
Coffee 7.x-2.3
Coffee 8.x-1.0-Beta2
Draggableviews 8.x-1.0
Jsonapi 8.x-1.0-Alpha1
Media 7.x-2.0-Beta3
Quiz 7.x-5.0
Transliterate 7.x-1.1
Transliterate 8.x-1.3
Webform 7.x-3.25
Yamlform 8.x-1.0-Beta21
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Full Stack Drupal Engineer
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Lead Drupal Developer
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DevOps Full Stack Developer
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