Issue 280 - March, 9th 2017
Drupal Blog: Drupal 8.3.0-Rc1 Is Available for Testing
"The first release candidate for the upcoming Drupal 8.3.0 release is now available for testing. Drupal 8.3.0 is expected to be released April 5."
It's Time to Vote - Community Elections
"Voting is now open for the 2017 At-Large Board positions for the Drupal Association! If you haven't yet, check out the candidate profiles including their short videos found on the profile pages. Get to know your candidates, and then get ready vote."
Core Will Be Updated to Use Short Array Syntax (Many Patches Will Need Rerolls)
"Work is underway to patch core for this change, which will touch many files, so be aware that you will need to reroll patches for conflicts and adjust them to use the new standard."
From Our Sponsor

Send us your WORST client!
Struggling to make your next deadline, when a problem client needs you to drop everything to give them support? Consider white-label Drupal support and maintenance!
Code Reviews Are Worth Their Weight in Gold
HTTPS Everywhere: Deep Dive Into Making the Switch
It's NOT Amazon's Fault the Internet Broke Yesterday - It's OURS!
"The crux of my argument, is the real failure here is web developers building apps that relied on a single Amazon data center."
Saving Time and Money for the Drupal Community
"Every day, this small team moves the needle forward so that we all have a better experience as users of In this post, we explore how the team's recent work results in faster, less expensive Drupal development."
Updating the Salesforce Suite to Drupal 8
Learn about the long-awaited effort underway to port the Salesforce Suite, a complex Drupal 7 module, to Drupal 8. This session will navigate the dozens of new Drupal 8 APIs, architectural decisions when planning your projects, issues management, and team coordination. Topics covered will include major components already ported from Drupal 7, new features for Drupal 8, and a roadmap to Drupal 8 stable release.
Working in Drupal Is a Real Job, Really?!
Paul Johnson shares the stories of people that have had positive early experiences with the Drupal community that lead them to Drupal as a career path. I especially liked this portion. "What about all those people we nearly hooked, the ones that weren't in that right place at the right time? The ones not quite brave enough to speak to us at a conference or meetup. How can we reach more of them? Where is the place they can discover role models just like them?"
Drupal Serialization Step-by-Step
In this post Mateu Aguiló Bosch walks us through serialization using the Drupal integration of the Symfony serializer component.
Extending Drupal 8 Fields That Contain Data
A good example of a common development task when supporting an existing Drupal site.
Best Practice Site Architecture in Drupal 8 [Webinar]
Drupal 8 offers developers exciting new features to use in building websites. Have you tried configuration management? How about the Symfony based routing system? Twig? Cache tags? This webinar covers the “how to” of building certain features in Drupal 8. Through showcasing different wireframes and development plans for building Drupal 8 sites, attendees can learn exciting new ways to make magical websites.
Five Drupal 8 Tips to Empower Content Authors
Nice set of tips for setting up your Drupal content editors for success.
How to Make an Advanced Webform in Drupal 8
Programatically Creating Routes and Menu Items
Another useful Drupal 8 tutorial from Blair Wadman to help you transition from Drupal 7 to Drupal 8.
Drupal 8 Module of the Week - Webform (Formerly Known as YAML Form)
"My primary goal for the Webform module is to build a powerful Open Source form builder that convinces more people to switch to Drupal. Similar to Acquia's Lightning distribution, I think the Webform module could become one of the deciding factors for companies considering switching to Drupal 8. It should help us all sell Drupal 8."
3.0.0RC4 · squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer
Coder 8.x-2.11
Drupal 8.3.0-Rc1
Features 8.x-3.5
hook_update_deploy_tools 7.x-1.22
Panelizer 8.x-4.0-Beta1
persistent_login 7.x-1.0
Restws 7.x-2.7
Tablefield 7.x-3.0
Webform 8.x-5.0-Beta9
Drupal Modules: The One Percent - Realistic Dummy Content (Video Tutorial)
Friday 5: 5 Command Line Tips and Tricks
I did a video with command line tips on Mediacurrent Friday 5 show. Check it out, you might pick up a new tip you will find useful.
Talking Drupal #137 - Metatag with Damien McKenna
Acquia Podcast 248: What's in a Driesnote? ASH 'N Jam Talk Community Stories.
Lullabot Podcast - Users Gonna Use—How Lullabot Does Usability Testing
Acquia Podcast 249: Changing Lives, Changing the World - Voices from the Dublin Driesnote
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