Issue 293 - June, 8th 2017
Ready, Set, Code - GSoC 2017 Starts Now!
"Did you know Drupal was accepted into Google Summer of Code 2017 and that Drupal selected 8 projects? In other words, Google is funding 8 people to contribute to Drupal for 10 weeks worth ~$40,000 USD (thank you Google!)."
From Our Sponsor

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A Better Website Editing Experience with Modular Content Components
"Modular Content Components are a powerful way for website editors to quickly add new sections and send article content to multiple distribution channels in a single step. Drupal sites with Modular Content Components make it easy to add new distribution channels and send custom formats to each."
Agile Drupal Sprints: Leveraging JIRA for Good
Get your deliverables out quickly and efficiently. Join us to learn 12 tips and tricks to apply to your next project. Walk away with new ceremonies to add to your agile lineup, methods for pointing JIRA tickets with your large team and more.
Building a #Polymer App for the Web, Then #Drupal
Interested in Web Components or Polymer? Check out this post from Bryan Ollendyke and checkout the Web components Drupal module.
Comparing Drupal and Adobe Experience Manager (Part 2 of 2)
From Imagination to (Augmented) Reality in 48 Hours
Dries Buytaert shares a cool demo using Drupal, Vuforia, and Acquia Lift to provide augmented reality experiences.
Nicer Date Ranges in Drupal – Part 3
Erik Erskine shows us how to create better date interfaces by creating a field formatter that can omit the day, month or year where appropriate.
Webform 8.x-5.x: Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going?
" The challenge lies in figuring out how to maintain the Webform module in a sustainable way. It is my hope that you enjoy my contribution to the Drupal community. Correspondingly, I also hope you’re up for the task of helping me and the Drupal community progress in our contributions to Drupal and Open-source."
Dynamic Menu Links in Drupal 8 with Plugin Derivatives
Running Behat Tests in a Vagrant Box
Learn to run Behat tests from Vagrant boxes in your native browsers.
WIEGO: 6 Years and 22,000 Articles - a Drupal Non-Profit Case Study!
As part of a series discussing the use of Drupal in non-profits, myDropWizard talks candidly with WIEGO (Women in Informal Employment: Globalizing and Organizing) about some of the struggles and successes with their site.
Swapping Drupal 8 Services to Customize Drupal Commerce
ThinkShout: Fade to Black - Responsive CSS Gradients
Announcing OpenEDU: An Open Source Drupal Distribution for Higher Education
Installing Commerce 2.x Without Composer, with Ludwig
A new alternative to using Composer for those that fear the command line.
Webpack Starter Kit
"Webpack starter kit divides source code from compiled, separates production tasks, provides browsers with live reloading and lets you install libraries through NPM and import them in your styles/scripts."
Advagg 7.x-2.24
Bricks 8.x-1.5
field_formatter 8.x-1.1
file_entity 7.x-2.1
Ldap 7.x-2.2
Ldap 8.x-3.0-Beta2
Media 7.x-3.0-Beta1
Metatag 8.x-1.1
Thunder 8.x-2.0
Lullabot Podcast - Drupal Governance with Megan Sanicki and Whitney Hess
Talking Drupal #148 - System Settings
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