Issue 304 - August, 24th 2017
Drupal Core - Multiple Vulnerabilities - SA-CORE-2017-004
If you haven't already updated your Drupal 8 site or even Views module in Drupal 7 be sure and do so.
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DrupalCon News: DrupalCon Takeaways - Chris Shattuck
Acquia Lightning Blog: Using the Content API
"Lightning 2.1.7 includes a new top-level component: Content API. Its purpose is to provide a very basic server-side framework for building decoupled apps using Lightning as a backend."
Backend Live Preview (Decoupled Drupal)
"Structured content is central to the content strategy for our new Drupal-based So is the idea of a platform-agnostic design that can be reused across our diverse ecosystem of web…"
Extending GraphQL: Part 1 - Fields
In this post on the Amazee Labs blog Philipp Melab walks us through the extension capabilities of the GraphQL Core module.
How Do I Learn Drupal? Let Me Count the Ways….
Finding and deciding on how to train up yourself or your team requires a lot of research into what’s available, how they compare, and how well it may work for you. In an effort to help make the decision process a bit easier, two pillars of Drupal training have decided to ally: Drupalization made easier :)
Integrating Amazon Alexa with a Drupal 8 Site
Mediacurrent's Sam Seide shows how you can expose Drupal to an Amazon Skill that Alexa can use.
Reservoir, a Simple Way to Decouple Drupal
Dries Buytaert blogs about the Reservoir decoupled Drupal project.
TypeScript and Drupal.behaviors
Mediacurrent's Peter Mallett shows us how we can use TypeScript in Drupal today.
Configuration Split: Managing Drupal 8 Configuration for Different Environments
In this post from Promet Source you will learn how to use Configuration Split module to solve the problem of needing different settings on different environments.
Create a Modal in Drupal 8 in a Custom Module
Another solid tutorial from Blair Wadman.
How to Fix HTML Content Issues During Migration in Drupal 8
A solution to a common migration problem from Chapter Three.
How To: Link to Dynamic Routes in Drupal 8
Indexing Content from Drupal 8 Using Elasticsearch
"In this article, we will take a vanilla Drupal 8 installation and configure it so that Elasticsearch receives any content changes."
Call for Help with Media Source Plugin Porting
Stable Release for Config Split and Config Filter
Audiofield 8.x-1.4
config_filter 8.x-1.0
config_split 8.x-1.0
config_suite 8.x-1.1
Drupal 8.3.7
Entityreference 7.x-1.5
Graphql 8.x-3.0-Alpha5
Lightning 8.x-2.17
Openpublic 7.x-1.14
Panopoly 7.x-1.47
Social 8.x-1.3
Views 7.x-3.17
views_send 8.x-1.1
Drupal Modules: The One Percent — Views Parity Row (Video Tutorial)
DrupalEasy Podcast 196 - Ryan's Ace(?) in the Hole - Paragraphs Module
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