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Issue 308 - September, 21st 2017


DrupalCon News: Novice Contributor Sprints at DrupalCon Vienna

What’s New on - August 2017

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Bay Area Drupal Camp: Summit Registration Is Now Open!

From Our Sponsor


Who Sponsors Drupal Development? (2016-2017 Edition)

Dries Buytaert provides an interesting look inside who is sponsoring Drupal development as well as info on who is doing the work.

Deeson Allocates 20% of My Time to Work on Open Source: Here’s How I Spend It

Deeson's Kristiaan Van den Eynde share how much of his time is devoted to Drupal contribution.

On Measuring Contribution

Rachel Lawson points out non-code contributions being overlooked in Dries post this week. It's a fair criticism, there are many in the community that organize meet ups, events, trainings, and other important aspects connected to Drupal's success.

The Slow but Timely Death of User 1

A Crash Course in Building Site Reliability

Acquia built a site reliability engineering team (SRE) to scale products and services with a growing number of customers. So you can do the same and deliver reliable services to your customers, we’d like to share our story. You’ll learn basic SRE concepts, how to create a launch readiness checklist and more.

Trying Drupal

Dave Hall compares getting started with Drupal to other CMS platforms. It can be easy for those of us fond of Drupal to have rose colored glasses when it comes to things like this. The Try Drupal page should be scrutinized if we are to be successful in promoting new people to try Drupal.


Composing Docker Local Development: Xdebug (OSX)

It's tricky to get Xdebug working in a Docker development environment but you can learn how to solve this problem in this post.

Dropdown Menus in Drupal 8 with the Superfish Module

The Path(auto) Less Traveled

"Have you ever needed to generate URL aliases for an entity based on a specific set of conditions?" In this post you will learn how.

How to Allow an Editor to Choose the View Mode of an Entity Reference Field in Drupal 8

Agencies: How to Turn Micro-Tracking Off and Profit-Making On!

How to Use Features Module in Drupal 8 to Bundle Functionality in Reusable Module

How To: Multiple Authors in Drupal

Mastering Drupal 8’s Libraries API


Advagg 8.x-3.2

Commerce 8.x-2.0-Rc3

entity_browser 8.x-1.3

http_auth 7.x-1.5

Jsonapi 8.x-1.3

Paragraphs 8.x-1.2

Redis 8.x-1.0-Rc2


Drupal Modules: The One Percent — Module Sitemap (Video Tutorial)


Talking Drupal #154 - Hierarchical Taxonomy

Talking Drupal #155 - Drupal 8 WebForm


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Published by Bob Kepford

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