Issue 309 - September, 28th 2017
DrupalCon Vienna 2017: Driesnote
Dries keynote from DrupalCon Vienna 2017.
Evolving Community Governance - Survey Results and a Call to Action
"These results and analysis were initially presented at the DrupalCon Vienna community summit on September 25, 2017."
Computed Fields Can Now Be Displayed by Views
Drupal Association Blog: Drupal Business Survey 2017
"The Drupal Business Survey 2017 shows that Drupal has a steady position in the market, and Drupal 8 has secured its role as the most popular version for new Drupal projects. Further, Drupal is often becoming part of a larger set of solutions."
Drupal Commerce 2.0 Released in Time for DrupalCon Vienna
From Our Sponsor

Is it Time to Unblock Your Agency DevOps?
Building out new infrastructure for every project is time consuming and adds delays to the launch process. Learn how ClockWork, WhiteFuse, and Barrel unblocked DevOps through these 3 'A-ha!' moments. Download the eBook!
A Handful of Useful Drupal 8 Modules for E-Commerce
A list of modules you might find useful with your next Drupal Commerce build.
Drupal Puppies
"We should recognize how people are using distros and try to cater to them better. My observations suggest there are 2 types of Drupal distributions; starter kits and targeted products."
Try DDEV Community Today - Spin Up Your First Site in 1 Minute or Less
The Evolution of Paragraphs
Miro Dietiker answers questions about the Paragraphs module and it's future.
Create a One Page Drupal Site with Views Infinite Scroll Module
In this tutorial you will learn how to create a gallery of article teasers of all countries in the Americas.
How to Build a Single-Page Application (SPA) with Vue.js
In this post you will learn how to combine Drupal on the backend with Vue.js on the front.
Make Your Site Manageable and Adaptable with Atomic Design
Future-proof your website, speed its delivery and promote consistency by building with Atomic Design principles. Modern websites assume more business responsibility and importance than ever before. As a result, they’ve grown into immensely complex organisms. In this webinar, you’ll get an overview of Atomic Design, how we use it, and its tangible benefits.
Migrating from Drupal Commerce 1.x to Drupal Commerce 2.0
OK Drupal - Powering Chatbots with Drupal
Check out this cool chatbot.
Drupal 8.4.0-Rc2
Address 8.x-1.2
Bootstrap 8.x-3.6
Commerce 8.x-2.0
config_installer 8.x-1.5
Feeds 7.x-2.0-Beta4
jsonapi_extras 8.x-1.0-Beta1
Phpmailer 7.x-3.0-Beta4
Phpmailer 8.x-3.0-Beta1
Behind the Screens - DrupalCon Vienna Preview
Drupal Voices Is Back!
Lullabot Podcast - the State of Media in Drupal Core
Talking Drupal #156 - Commerce 2.0
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