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Issue 310 - October, 5th 2017


Drupal Looking to Adopt React

Dries Buytaert announced that Drupal is moving towards using React in the admin interface of Drupal core. This is following Facebook's change from the BSD + Patents license to a MIT license. The idea is to start with components in the admin being moved to React in a phased approach.

From Our Sponsor


Drupalcon Europe Gets Going

A nice summary of the first day of DrupalCon Vienna from Amazee Labs's Bryan Gruneberg.

State of Drupal Presentation (September 2017)

Dries Buytaert's slides from DrupalCon Vienna as well as more thoughts from Drupal's creator.

All the Feels — My DrupalCon Retrospective

Rachel Lawson shares a personal summary of DrupalCon Vienna.


Drupal 8 or Drupal 7

Fundamentals of Responsive Images

Learn How to Create a Bootstrap Theme for Drupal 8

Ready to learn how to create a Bootstrap theme for Drupal 8? In this previously recorded webinar, we'll cover the process of creating a Bootstrap subtheme in Drupal 8 and how to customize it for your site's design. We’ll cover: structuring your sub-theme files, using Compass to compile CSS from SCSS, overriding Bootstrap variables & custom variables, twig template file customization and Bootstrap options for Panels, Views, Display Suite.

Small Ways to Conduct User Research That Can Make a Big Impact


Letsencrypt HTTPS for Drupal on Docker

Migration from Field Collection to Paragraphs in D8

Picture Module: Building Responsive Images in Drupal 7

Porting Commands to Drush 9

Decoupled Drupal: Use the Technology You Want for Front-End Experiences

Decoupled architecture allows developers to utilize any technology to render front-end experiences. In a decoupled Drupal architecture, the Drupal backend exposes content to front-end systems, like mobile applications, conversational UIs or applications built in JavaScript frameworks. Check out this guide to learn how a decoupled architecture works, when to consider decoupling and how to leverage decoupled Drupal for ambitious digital experiences.


Advagg 7.x-2.27

backup_migrate 8.x-4.0-Beta1

config_split 8.x-1.2

environment_indicator 8.x-3.1

file_entity 7.x-2.6

menu_link_attributes 8.x-1.0-Beta4

Metatag 8.x-1.3

Paranoia 8.x-1.0-Alpha1

permissions_by_term 8.x-1.33

tac_lite 8.x-1.3

Varnish 7.x-1.5

Webform 8.x-5.0-Beta19


DrupalEasy Podcast 197 - - BADCamp with AmyJune Hineline

Behind the Screens - Wes Ruvalcaba

Behind the Screens with AmyJune HineLine of Hook 42


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Published by Bob Kepford

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