Issue 312 - October, 19th 2017
An Update on Projects Created for Drupal
An update with stats on how opening up full project creation on has turned out.
Drupal Governance Announcements: Coding Standards Change Proposals 10/17
"The TWG coding standards committee is announcing two issues for final discussion. Feedback will be reviewed on 10/31/2017." Blog: What's New on - September 2017
From Our Sponsor
Learn How to Use Atomic Design to Make Your Site Manageable and Adaptable
Future-proof your website, speed its delivery and promote consistency by building with Atomic Design principles. Modern websites assume more business responsibility and importance than ever before. As a result, they’ve grown into immensely complex organisms. In this webinar, you’ll get an overview of Atomic Design, how we use it, and its tangible benefits.
Form and View Modes vs. Field Access in Drupal 8
Incredible Decoupled Performance with Subrequests
Lullabot's Mateu Aguiló Bosch discusses how to improve decoupled performance.
It's OK to Build New Sites on Drupal 7!
David Snopek from myDropWizard makes the controversial argument that, as a community, we're hurting the Drupal project my pushing Drupal 8 so hard.
There's Something Missing from
Paul Johnson's proposal for making it easier for Drupalers to connect via
Why We're Moving to Component Theming
Last Call Media explains why they are changing the way they approach theming Drupal sites.
Creating Drush 9 Commands and Porting Legacy Commands
How to Maintain Drush Commands for Drush 8 and 9 and Drupal Console with the Same Code Base.
Update to Drupal Core 8.4, a Step by Step Guide
Upgrading to Drupal 8.4.0 and Drush 9 with Composer
What Role Does Drupal Play in an API-First Future?
New tools known as headless CMSes providing content as a service are challenging the monolithic architecture that has long characterized CMSes like Drupal. What role does Drupal play in an increasingly API-first playing field and fragmented future? This tech talk will explore the API-first future, what this means for Drupal, the benefits of SDKs such as Waterwheel, and more.
Drupalship - the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Planet Drupal
Drupalship is a new project from Colorfield to help people get started with Drupal 8.
Drupal 9 and Backwards Compatibility: Why Now Is the Time to Upgrade …
Angela Byron's slides from Acquia's Engage event.
Advagg 8.x-3.3
backup_migrate 8.x-4.0-Beta3
config_ignore 8.x-2.1
file_entity 7.x-2.10
Graphql 8.x-3.0-Alpha7
jsonapi_extras 8.x-1.0-Beta2
Media 7.x-2.12
Media 7.x-3.0-Beta7
module_filter 8.x-3.1
Release 2.4.0 · Wodby/docker4drupal
Salesforce 7.x-3.3-Beta3
Simplepodcast 8.x-1.0
Drupal Modules: The One Percent —Content Connected (Video Tutorial)
Drupal Modules: The One Percent —Timelogin (Video Tutorial)
September A11Y (Accessibility) Talk Review
AmyJune Hineline and Carie Fisher share thoughts and advice on accessibility.
Behind the Screens with Chris Teitzel
Behind the Screens with Zequi Vázquez
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Director of Web Services
Howard University Washington/DC/US
Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US