The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 317 - November, 30th 2017


An Update on the Workflow Initiative for Drupal 8.4/8.5

An update on the Workflow Initiative for Drupal from Dries Buytaert.

DrupalCon News: Nashville Registration Is Open

DrupalCon News: Calling All Drupalers!

Call for papers for DrupalCon 2018 in Nashville are now open.

Drupal Association Membership Campaign: November 20 to December 20

JavaScript Framework Initiative Update, 2017-11-20

"The objective of the JavaScript Framework Initiative is to modernize Drupal core's JavaScript, to make Drupal core backend improvements that enable us to build UIs with JavaScript, and to explore where Drupal can benefit from using a JavaScript framework."

What's New on - October 2017

Drupal Association Q2 2017 Financial Statement Summary

From Our Sponsor


Content as the Common Language of Web Development

Have We Reached Peak Drupal?

Introducing a New Module for Drupal 8: Background Image

Displaying a background image in Drupal 8 can be a little tricky. Follow along as Tag1’s very own Mark Carver introduces a new, easy-to-use Drupal 8 module for adding background images to your site.


GraphQL for Drupalers - the Queries

How to Install a Node.js Project Within Composer

Moving from Theming in Drupal 7 to Drupal 8? Overview of Key Changes

Automatic Drupal Updates - WTF or FTW?

Learn more about automatic Drupal core updates: as part of the strategical roadmap of Drupal and how it works in other existing solutions. Be part of the discussion and make the Drupal ecosystem and your sites more secure!

Reusable Style Guide Components Using Field Formatters and Twig Embed

Show Code in Drupal Content with the CodeSnippet Module

In this post you will learn how to show highlighted code snippets in your Drupal content.


Dreditor for Firefox

Drupal Development Roadmap

This page is targeted towards Drupal contributors hoping to jump in and make the next release a success.

Introducing the Display Suite Chained Fields Module for Drupal 8

React Admin UI Project

If you are interested in experimenting with React for Drupal core admin interfaces check out this project.


Sustainable Drupal & React Maintenance - Video


Address 8.x-1.3

Commerce 7.x-1.14

config_filter 8.x-1.1

config_split 8.x-1.3

media_entity 8.x-1.7

menu_breadcrumb 8.x-1.5

views_bulk_operations 8.x-1.0-Beta4

views_slideshow 8.x-4.6

Webform 8.x-5.0-Beta24

Workflow 8.x-1.0-Rc1


Behind the Screens with Kris Vanderwater

Behind the Screens with Mateu Aguiló Bosch

Behind the Screens with Shannon O'Malley

DrupalEasy Podcast 198 - Dave Hall - Drupal Distributions and Puppies

DrupalEasy Podcast 199 - David Rogers - What's Up with React?


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Published by Bob Kepford

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