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Issue 318 - December, 7th 2017


Community: Community Governance Meeting Takeaways

From Our Sponsor


Annotate to Communicate

Great advice for anyone on your team that makes wireframes.

Creating a Decoupled Drupal Application in 30 Minutes with Lightning, BLT, and DrupalVM

Drupal 8, React, Vue, JSON API and ES6 Learning Resources

Nice list of resources for those interesting in decoupled Drupal and JavaScript.

Holistic Collaboration

Join Dries Buytaert as He Discusses His Views on the Competitive Advantage of Decoupled Drupal.

Next week, Dries Buytaert, founder of Drupal and CTO at Acquia, will share his knowledge on how Drupal has an advantage over competitors, and discuss his point-of-view on why, when, and how you should implement decoupled Drupal. Register today to learn more.

Recording Remote Usability Tests with Invision App and ScreenFlow

Workflows: A New Tool in the Toolbox


Change the Text Field Maximum Length in Drupal 8

Once data has been stored in a Drupal text field, it is not easy or obvious how to change its maximum length. Learn how you can in this tutorial.

Drupal 8 Lessons from the Field: Part 3 - the Drupal Backend

Coming back to our discussion on fast internet, we have so far covered how to optimize a developer’s journey and enhancing frontend website delivery. Today, during our next session, we shall look into a very core part of the Drupal ecosystem - the Drupal backend. Sign up now.

Flood Table in Core Drupal with User ID/IP Management

GraphQL for Drupalers - the Fields

Fields are the most important of any GraphQL query, and in this post you will learn all about them.

Handling Dynamic Routes in Drupal 8

Using ES6 in Your Drupal Components


#D8rules Status Update November 2017

Automatic Updates Using

An interesting service that is free for open source projects.

Contenta CMS Reaches 1.0

Removing Paid Promotions from the Webform Module and Not Asking for Forgiveness

Jacob Rockowitz updates on a controversial change to the Webform module.

Unofficial Nginx Support in Docksal


CDN 8.x-3.2

decoupled_router 8.x-1.0-Beta1

Deploy 8.x-1.0-Beta2

Facets 8.x-1.0-Beta1

modules_weight 8.x-1.5

Panopoly 7.x-1.48

paragraphs_access 8.x-2.0-Rc1

Relaxed 8.x-1.0-Beta5

Varnish 7.x-1.8

Workspace 8.x-1.0-Beta4


Recurring Billing, Now Baked Right in to Drupal Commerce 2


Behind the Screens with Esther Lee


Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit

February 3 - 4, in Portland Oregon. Call for sessions are open until December 3rd.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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