Issue 319 - December, 14th 2017
Hard to believe 2017 is coming to an end. This is the last newsletter for the year and I want to thank you all for making it a good one.News
PHP 7.2.0 Release Announcement
Thanks to Dropsolid, My First Drupal Contribution Sponsor
Roy Scholten announces support for Drupal core work.
From Our Sponsor

Global CDN and Automated HTTPS - Free with Pantheon
Pantheon's Drupal Hosting now includes Fastly’s global CDN and managed HTTPS via Let’s Encrypt. These new platform capabilities are included with all Pantheon plans and pre-configured to deliver content to users anywhere across the globe securely and at blazing fast speeds.
100% Integration Test Coverage for API-First Drupal
Wim Leers tells us about this exciting development on the path to an API-First Drupal.
7 Drupal Modules That Every E-Commerce Website Must Have
Accelerate Drupal 8 by Funding a Core Committer
Dries Buytaert encourages the financial support of core committers.
Recorded Webinar: How Continuous Delivery Makes Your Code Delivery Faster
In case you missed the live event, check out this recording of a tech talk featuring a discussion on what continuous delivery means, why it matters, how it impacts and improves your business and practical examples. Also, this series of webinars includes an in depth review of enhancing frontend website delivery and the Drupal Backend.
Sluggish Drupal 8 Adoption Lags Even D6
To some this might be controversial but we should think about questions like the one raised in this Metal Toad post.
Team Communication & Process - Amazee Agile Agency Survey Results - Part 5
Add Font Awesome Icons to Your Drupal Menus
CiviCRM Secrets for Drupalers: Email Campaigns
We're Drupalers who only recently started digging deep into CiviCRM and we're finding some really cool things we want to share! In this video, we talk about how you can build rich e-mail newsletters in CiviCRM using a really cool responsive WYSIWYG tool called Mosaico.
Highest / Lowest Testing with Multiple Symfony Versions
Re-Positioning Ægir
"Looking ahead, Ægir 5’s GUI is built on Drupal 8 (yay!), and Drupal is still the primary application we’ll support out-of-the-box. But we’ll soon be able to do so much more!"
Ægir Turns 10!
The open source Drupal and Drush based hosting project has been a project I have used for a long time. Happy birthday Ægir.
Commerce 8.x-2.2
config_update 8.x-1.5
csv_importer 8.x-1.0-Beta1
Drupal 8.4.3
Jsonapi 8.x-1.4
Mailhandler 7.x-2.11
Relaxed 8.x-1.0-Beta6
views_bulk_operations 8.x-1.0-Rc1
Webform 8.x-5.0-Beta25
Behind the Screens with Rick Manelius
Decoupled Drupal, Thinking Digitally and the Druper
DrupalEasy Podcast 200 - Ryan's Drumroll
Lullabot Podcast - Building a Sustainable Model for Drupal Contrib Module Development
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Full Stack Drupal Engineer
4AllPromos CT/US
Lead Drupal Developer
Third and Grove US
DevOps Full Stack Developer
Spry Digital US