Issue 330 - March, 15th 2018
What’s New on - February 2018
From Our Sponsor
Looking for the Ultimate Guide to Drupal 8?
Drupal 8's improvements include: API-driven content approach, multilingual features and capabilities, and rest-first native web services.
Read the eBook, to learn about the major changes and to see why
Drupal 8’s great new features and enhancements functionality will empower every
Better SVG Sprite Re-Use with Twig in Drupal 8
Thomas Lattimore of Lullabot offers some handy tips for SVG use in Twig.
Decoupled Drupal – What You Need to Consider
Drupal 8.5.0 Released
Dries Buytaert discusses the latest release of Drupal 8.
Getting Started with Lando - Testing a Fresh Drupal 8 Umami Site
DrupalVM creator Jeff Geerling takes Lando for a spin.
How to Make the Most of Your DrupalCon BOF Experience
Mark Shropshire offers useful tips and advice to get the full value out of birds of a feather events at DrupalCon.
Outsourced Drupal 7/8 Maintenance Can Give Better Support Than You Can!
Securing Non-Production Environments
Flush and Run, Using Kernel::TERMINATE to Improve Page Speed Performance
Give a Unique Look to Your Google Maps in Drupal
Help! Why Does Composer Keep Installing Drupal 8.5 "BETA" Instead of the Stable Version?
My old pal Derek "Hawkeye Tenderwolf" DeRaps offers a handy tip for getting Composer to wake up to new Drupal releases.
How to Install Drupal 8 from an Existing Configuration
How to Use Drupal 8's Off-Canvas Dialog in Your Modules
Dries Buytaert shows us how to use Drupal 8.5's new off-canvas dialog in our own Drupal modules.
Install, Test, Repeat – Rapid Local Development with DDEV
Joe Shindelar manages to generate and deliver hundreds of hours of Drupal learning content. We talked to him about where DDEV fits into the picture.
Programmatically Importing Drupal 8 Field Configurations
Configuration Override Inspector: Removing the Config Confusion
Two MidCamp Sessions: Local Dev for Dummies, Jenkins and Drupal
config_installer 8.x-1.7
Drupal 8.3.8
Drupal 8.5.0
Drupal Console 1.7.0
Entity 8.x-1.0-Beta3
Hacked 8.x-2.0-Beta2
Jsonapi 8.x-1.13
Redirect 8.x-1.1
views_bulk_operations 8.x-2.1
views_send 8.x-1.3
Webform 8.x-5.0-Rc4
Behind the Screens with Angus Mak
DrupalEasy Podcast 207 - David Needham - Pantheon, Docker-Based Local Development Environments, and Hedgehogs
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Director of Web Services
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