The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 346 - July, 5th 2018


It's Time to Vote - Community Elections 2018

From Our Sponsor


An Update on Drupal 8.6 Pre-Feature Freeze

Creating a Custom Ajax Command in Drupal 8

Decoupling the Model from Drupal

“This kind of decoupling is removing the business logic away from Drupal concepts. Drupal then becomes a wrapper around the library to handle incoming web requests, configuration and display logic.”

Dries Buytaert: Design 4 Drupal: The Future of JavaScript in Drupal

Dries Buytaert: Why Large Organizations Are Choosing to Contribute to Drupal

“Most organizations use Open Source, and don't think twice about it. However, we're starting to see more and more organizations not just use Open Source, but actively contribute to it.”

Decoupled Drupal Days - August 17-19

Decoupled Drupal Days is happening in NYC on August 17-19 and gathers technologists, marketers and content professionals who build and use Drupal as a Content Service -- for decoupled front ends, content APIs, IoT, and more. Two days of speakers with three tracks of great talks. A great Happy Hour on Saturday and code sprinting on Sunday. Don't miss out!

Drupal Association Blog: Where Your Money Goes - DrupalCI Tests

Shipping the Right Thing

These Are the 15 Best Drupal Security Modules Worth Installing on Your Website

Using JSON API with WebdriverIO Tests


How to Create a Custom Views Argument Plugin in Drupal 8

How to Find Which Twig Template Drupal Is Using to Output Markup

CiviCRM Secrets for Drupalers: Membership Directory

In this screencast, I'll show you how to create a searchable membership directory using the Roundearth Drupal 8 + CiviCRM Distribution.

Progressive Web App (PWA) Integration with Drupal

Use Case: How to Create a Contact Form in Drupal 8

What Are Some Quick and Easy Ways to Secure Drupal? 7-Step Security Checklist


Diff 8.x-1.0-Rc2

Ds 7.x-2.16

gdpr_compliance 8.x-1.9

Jsonapi 8.x-1.22

jsonapi_extras 8.x-2.2

permissions_by_term 8.x-1.56

swagger_ui_formatter 8.x-2.0

views_bulk_operations 8.x-2.4

Webform 8.x-5.0-Rc16


Behind the Screens with Bikino Ildephonse

Mediacurrent: Dropcast: Episode 38 - GovCon 2018


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Published by Bob Kepford

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