Issue 35 May 17, 2012 moving to Drupal 7, Community Cultivation Grants, and a ton of Drupal Camps around the world.
Our Website Is Stepping Up To Drupal 7
With a goal of completing this upgrade before DrupalCon Munich plenty of help is needed. Wanna help make this happen? What are you waiting for? Do it.
Drupal Community Cultivation Grants Now Open
The DA is now accepting application for the Community Cultivation Grants. In 2011 over $20,000 was given to 17 projects with the goal of transforming, supporting, and educating Drupal communities around the world. If you have an idea but need a little cash to get going you should check this out.
Drupal Summit CERN'12
May 23rd, 2012 at Cern in Genève, Switzerland.
DrupalCamp Gent
May 25th & 26th, 2012 in Gent, Belgium.
Drupalcamp Lyon
May 26th & 27th, 2012 in Lyon, France.
Drupal Balkan Summit Sarajevo
May 26th, 2012 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Drupal Camp Sacramento Area
June 8th - 10th, 2012 at UC Davis Campus in Davis, California.
Drupalcamp Bogota
June 22nd, 2012 in Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas.
DrupalCamp LA
July 28th & 29th, 2012 at UC Irvine in Irvine, California.
Atlanta Drupal Business Summit & DrupalCamp Atlanta
October 26 & 27th, 2012 in Atlanta, Georgia.
The Second Rate Citizens Of Drupalcon
Morten, the King of Denmark shares his opinion about half price DrupalCon tickets for students. There is a good conversation in the comments.
DrupalCon Global Track Chairs
Rick Nashleanas shares a little insight in what it means to be a DrupalCon global track chair.
Impending Drupal Site Launch? Use the List
Zivtech's Meghan Palagyi has compiled a great pre-launch list.
Getting Started with Drupal, Part 1: Building Blocks
Tobias Sjösten has written a nice intro to Drupal on the New Relic blog.
How to Conditionally Display a Value from Two Fields in Views
A very nice Views tip from Ki Kim of Urban Insight.
Responsive Web Design Off the Shelf with Panopoly
Victor Kane gives a quick tutorial for setting up Panopoly distribution. Panopoly is a really nice Apps enabled distribution of Drupal powered by lots of CTools and Panels magic. It's goal is to be a base profile from which to build you own profiles.
Getting Meta Tags on Views in Drupal 7
Oneliner Drupal Install
Virtual host, hosts file, downloading and enabling modules and installing drupal in one line.
Kiss My Sass - Community Day 2012
As always, and epic slide deck from Morten.
Use SASS and Compass to Streamline Your CSS development
Displaying "Sticky" Notifications To Users
Is there a module for displaying “sticky” notifications to users(i.e., messages that continue to appear until closed)? There is, and it's called Absolute Messages. Great little module. Get more details over at Drupal Answers.
How To List Users And Have The Number Of Nodes Created By Them
StackExchange has a great family of sites one of which is a Drupal specific one, Drupal Answers. This Views question caught my attention.
Tools & Modules
Sublime Text 2 Plugin For Drupal
Tancredi D’Onofrio has released a Sublime Text 2 plugin for Drupal. Really been digging ST2 lately. With a solid Drupal plugin I may just ditch TextMate.
Commerce Extra Panes
Great to see the wealth of features being added to the Drupal a commerce world.
Free Series On The Learn Drupal Ladder
Drupalize.Me announces the Drupal Latter video series, a free video series with the goal of helping people become Drupal contributors.
The Drupal Media Initiative Webinar
Modules Unraveled: 019 Randall Knutson and Drupal Apps
Drupal Voices 227: Florian Loretan talks about DrupalCon Munich
Drupal Voices 226: Nathan Haug Talks About
DrupalEasy Podcast 82: Mapping Middle Earth
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Wanna get the word out about your great Drupal job? Get your job in front of hundreds of Drupal job seekers every day at Jobs.Drupal.Org.
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Full Stack Drupal Engineer
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