Issue 350 - August, 2nd 2018
Drupal Core - 3rd-Party Libraries -SA-CORE-2018-005
"The Drupal project uses the Symfony library. The Symfony library has released a security update that impacts Drupal." It is recommended that all Drupal 8 sites upgrade immediately.
Documentation Initiative Update, UX Changes to
Matt Grasmick gives us an update on the UX improvements coming to
From Our Sponsor

Learn how to create a Bootstrap theme for Drupal 8
Ready to learn how to create a Bootstrap theme for Drupal 8? In this recorded webinar, we'll discuss the process of creating a Bootstrap subtheme in Drupal 8 and how to customize it for your site's design. We’ll cover: structuring your sub-theme files, using Compass to compile CSS from SCSS, overriding Bootstrap variables & custom variables, twig template file customization and Bootstrap options for Panels, Views, Display Suite.
10 Reasons Why You Should Start Your New Project in Drupal 8 (Instead of Drupal 7)
A Content Personalization Primer
Jeff Eaton shares, "Content personalization for the web isn't new, and the latest wave of excitement isn't all hype; unfortunately, the reality on the ground rarely lives up to the promise of a well-produced sales demo. Building a realistic personalization strategy for your website, publishing platform, or digital project requires chewing on several foundational questions long before any high-end products or algorithms enter the picture."
Dries Buytaert: Building Digital Backpacks for Syrian Refugees
Dries shares how "UC Davis used Drupal to launch Article 26 Backpack, a platform that helps Syrian Refugees document and share their educational credentials."
How to Choose the Right Point of Sale System for Your Business
Compares Drupal POS, Shopify POS and Square POS.
Roundearth Drupal 8 + CiviCRM: Organize Your Email Archives
Organizing your own email is hard! Organizing email conversation archives for your organization? Easy! We'll show you how.
Topic Clusters Are Old News to Drupal SEO
Create Dropdown Menus Using Superfish in Drupal 8
Exclude Current Node from List of Related Nodes by Taxonomy Term
How to Override Default HTTP and HTTPS Ports on Docksal
How to Set a Voting System in Drupal 8
Setting #default_value for Date Field in a D8 Form
Setting Up DDEV as a Local Development Environment
Smart Trim Your Content and Modify Teasers
Drupal Module Spotlight: Straw
Drupal 8.5.6
Facets 8.x-1.1
Iframe 7.x-1.12
media_entity 8.x-1.8
Lightning Layout with Layout Builder
Behind the Screens with Jeff Vargas
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