The best Drupal news and links delivered to your inbox every week

Issue 41 June 28, 2012

If you've been following along you know that I've been competing in 59DaysofCode, a competition for developers where you have 59 days to develop the best product you can muster. For me it was more like 14 days of code since a side project I was working went a little long. Non the less it was a great experience and though I did not walk away with the prize it was worth the work.


Why Companies Must Adopt The Open Source Way

This week Dries wrote an article for the BBC that is worth a read if you are interested in Open Source Software. Chances are if you are reading this newsletter you should give it a look see.


Drupal Association News: Converting T-Shirts Into Sprints

Nice to see this T-shirt money being put to good use!


Design for Drupal 4

July 14th - 15th in Boston


Spark update: Responsive Layouts in Drupal

I for one am very happy to see this work on responsive layouts happening. Very cool indeed.

Why I recommend Drupal User's Guide all the time

Victor Kane is one of those dudes that you should pay attention to. I guess I should check out this book.

A Case Study: Drupal 7 Upgrade

Julio and Organic Groups

Managing Projects with GitHub

Mobile Drupal: Building a mobile app API using Drupal, Node.js and MongoDB

Pronto.js: How ConsumerSearch's Mobile API Server is Driven by Node.js

Understanding MapReduce in MongoDB, with Node.js, PHP (and Drupal)

What To Do When The Maintainer Has Gone Away?


Extending Drupal Commons with Feature Alter Hooks

Excellent tip on overriding a Feature module with hooks. You should be doing it this way if you aren't already.

Adding Entities to ApacheSolr Search

Automatically Backport Commits using Git

Build A Modular Presentation Tool In Drupal 7

Setting up Drupal Development Environment Using Ubuntu and VirtualBox

Tips n Tricks

Any Way to Add CSS for a Single Page/Node?

Drupal Answers has some very good questions and answers that come up from time to time. I just bet there are some readers who have wondered about this one.

Managing files when moving to multi-site in Drupal 6

Tim Millwood shares a nice Drush tip for fixing images after moving to a multi-site Drupal setup. You'll probably wanna bookmark this if it's new to ya.


Zen Grids

Thought I would link to the great Zen Grids project by John Albin Wilkins. Haven't had a chance to try it out but I've been hearing great things about it. Zen Grids is a responsive grid system built with Compass and Sass.

Adding CSS Classes to Fields in Drupal

Drupal Base Theme Review

W3C Validation for Drupal 7 HTML5 + RDFa


Module Monday: Custom Permissions

Yet another module I have not come across. Very handy indeed.

Project Review Wednesday: Basecamp


The Open Outreach Distribution - Modules Unraveled Podcast

Nedjo Rogers and Rosemary Mann discuss the Open Outreach Distro.


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Published by Bob Kepford

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