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Issue 410 - October, 17th 2019


DrupalCon News: Topic Idea Roundup

Drupal Core Beta Testing Program Call for the Upcoming Drupal 8.8.0 Release

Drupal Core's Place Block Module Deprecated

JQuery UI Is Being Phased Out from Drupal Core

New "Media Embed" Filter Added

PHPUnit 7 Can Be Used for Testing on PHP 7.1+

Themes Can Now Be Marked Experimental

Contribution Credit Tune-Up

From Our Sponsor


A Decade of Drupal

Simplifying Drupal Frontend with Single File Components

What to Expect from Drupal 8.8

What's New on - September 2019


How to Manually Update Drupal Core Through CPanel

Migrating Apigee Developer Portals to Drupal 8

Wizards & Robots Save Drupal Websites from Non-Stop Attack!

myDropWizard's Support "Wizards" and our automated process "Robots" are continually working to keep you backed up, supported, and secured from all types of threats.

Playing with the Drupal Quick-Start Command

Ride Into the Danger Zone: How to Update Drupal 8 Field Settings Without Losing Any Data


Ddev v1.11.2

Docker4Drupal 5.4.11

Gutenberg 8.x-1.9

jsonapi_include 8.x-1.1

Maxlength 7.x-3.3


TEN7 Podcast: Joe Shindelar: A Passion for Open Source


? Get Your Corn on at DrupalCorn Camp in Iowa November 6-8!

Come to DrupalCorn Camp in Des Moines, Iowa! We have a full-day training on Getting Started with Drupal 8, or a half-day of Hosting Drupal on Kubernetes. There’s also two days of sessions mainly geared towards beginners and intermediate Drupalers, keynotes, birds of a feather, contribution day, a social, and lots of corny fun!

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Published by Bob Kepford

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