Issue 427 - March, 5th 2020
Drupal Core Announcements: Status of Drupal 9.0.0-Beta1: A March Beta Is Still Possible
DrupalCon Minneapolis Program Committee Is ?
From Our Sponsor

Acquia Named a Leader in Gartner’s 2020 Magic Quadrant for DXPs
Deliver a powerful digital experience your customers will remember. Learn why Acquia was named a Leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for Digital Experience Platforms. Download the report today.
Drupal 9: Status, Resources, and Ways to Contribute
Free Template for Manual Accessibility Audit
Both automated and manual testing are essential components for Promet Source’s web accessibility audit process. This template from Promet reflects WCAG 2.1 guidelines for use by accessibility analysts and developers to detect errors missed by automated testing, which are also the issues that tend to have the greatest likelihood of exposing site owners to ADA accessibility lawsuits.
Interview with Amitai Burstein, Co-Owner and CTO of Gizra
Navigating Complex Integrations, Part 2: Planning Your Integration
Open Source and More with Drupal Association’s Heather Rocker
Quick and Easy Way to Automate Installing Drupal 9 with Lando and Metadata in Drupal
Update on the Status of Drupal’s New Olivero Theme
What the Future Holds for Decoupled Drupal - Part 2
Drupal 8 Feeds Import with External JSON API
Enabling and Using the Media Library in Drupal 8.7
Is Your Drupal Site Protected from Cancellation?
With world events as they are recently, many events and products have been cancelled. Timelines have been pushed off, budgets have been cut - there is a lot of uncertainty. What is the contingency plan for your Drupal site?
Querying the Migrate Database from Custom Code
Scheduled Content Publishing on Your Drupal 8 Site with the Scheduler Module
Sending a Drupal Site Into Retirement Using HTTrack
Ddev v1.13.1: Fix Upstream PHP Packaging Problem
Entity 8.x-1.0
jsonapi_include 8.x-1.3
scheduled_transitions 8.x-1.0
views_bulk_operations 8.x-3.6
Migrating from Drupal 7 to 8 LIVE - Episode 5
Talking Drupal #238 - Outages
Pacific Northwest Drupal Summit
Join us at the University of Washington in Seattle for the PNW's 10th conference for Drupal enthusiasts. Get your tickets today!
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