Issue 437 - May, 14th 2020
9.0.0 Release Date Still Scheduled for June 3
The release window for core release candidates has been extended to next week.
#DrupalThanks: You Made It Happen - We Met Our #DrupalCares Goal!
New Drupal Brand Ready for Drupal 9 Launch
"The new brand represents the fluidity and modularity of Drupal, and our community value of coming together to create a greater whole."
2020 Drupal Local Development Survey Results
From Jeff Geerling who has been on fire of late. Well, he's always been awesome but he's been putting out great content at a ferrous pace. "This blog post summarizes the main results relevant to Drupal developers like me, who might want to know what other tools and techniques are currently popular for Drupal development."
From Our Sponsor

The Rising Tide of Open Source
Drupal has been successful in transforming digital strategies so companies can deliver superior customer experiences. In the customer-centric market today, creating memorable experiences matters. Read more about Drupal and the rising tide of open source technology.
Preparing Your Drupal 8 Site for Drupal 9
Great guide to getting your site ready for D9.
Accelerating Drupal 9 Module and Theme Readiness with Automated Patches
Community Working Group Posts: Resources for Coping with COVID-19 Anxiety
"As many of us in the Drupal community are entering the second month of physical and social distancing, it is important to take a break from our - often repetitive - day-to-day activities to spend some time on self-care." I highly suggest you read this post and if you need someone to talk to that you reach out for that.
Webinar: Test-Driven Development with Storybook &
After applying Test-Driven Development with to Drupal modules and Gatsby Websites in our last webinars, Philipp Melab, Lead Engineer at Amazee Labs will take the next step on our journey to total confidence with testing. Join us to learn how to mix Storybook into the workflow to improve functional and visual test coverage for user interface components and, at the same time, speed up development by never touching your browser again!
How Open Source Can Transform Your Business - Part 2
A Locust-Inspired Load Testing Tool in Rust
For the Dev: Swag for Developers by Developers
Be sure and checkout our selection of shirts for developers including our work from home collection.
Getting Started with Focal Point Module in Drupal 8
How to Add Search to a Website on Drupal with Superfast Lunr.js
Api 7.x-2.3
config_entity_revisions 8.x-1.4
Ddev v1.14.2: Docker Compatibiliy, Drupal 9 Fix
Eck 8.x-1.0-Beta1
Faker 7.x-1.0
inline_entity_form 8.x-1.0-Rc5
Lando v3.0.1
Pcb 8.x-2.2
Rabbitmq 8.x-2.0
Redirect 8.x-1.6
search_api_override 7.x-1.1
smart_date 8.x-2.5
Smtp 8.x-1.0-Rc1
toolbar_menu 8.x-2.2
upgrade_status 8.x-2.6
Webform 8.x-5.11
If you are using the D8 version of webform you should update the module. Multiple security patches in this release.
Workbench 8.x-1.2
Drupal 7 to 8 LIVE Migration - Ep 14 - Dark Mode and Accessibility
Drupal 7 to 8 LIVE Migration - Ep 15 - Prepping for Go-Live!
Drupal 8 Live Site Build - Bootstrap Card Component Using Layout Builder
Getting Started with Paragraphs and Bootstrap in Drupal
Talking Drupal #246 - This and That
BADCamp: Going Virtual
Mark your calendars for Oct 14-17, 2020 – the first-ever virtual BADCamp! Get all the quality content you've grown to expect from the comfort of your own kitchen table, home office, Animal Crossing headquarters, sofa, or wherever your WiFi signal is strongest.
CWG: Community Working Group's Wellbeing Hour
Join the Drupal Community Working Group on May 22 for a Wellbeing Hour with Dr. Drapkin, who will walk us through some strategies to support our wellbeing during this challenging time.
Drupalize.Me: Free Hands-on Theming Course May 18-22
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Full Stack Drupal Engineer
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Lead Drupal Developer
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