Issue 464 - November, 19th 2020
Drupal Core - Critical - Remote Code Execution - SA-CORE-2020-012
Drupal core does not properly sanitize certain filenames on uploaded files, which can lead to files being interpreted as the incorrect extension and served as the wrong MIME type or executed as PHP for certain hosting configurations. This issue is resolved by the latest release.
Drupal 8.9 and Drupal 9.0 Marked Incompatible with PHP 8 Blog: Live Deployment Previews for Drupal Core (Thanks to TugboatQA!)
DrupalCon News: DrupalCon Europe Will Only Sustain if You Show Up for It
Get Involved with the Future of Drupal at DrupalCon Europe!
Community Working Group Posts: A Different Kind of Contribution - Become a Trained Drupal Event Code of Conduct Contact
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config_suite 8.x-1.7
Ddev v1.16.0: Composer 2, PHP 8.0, Shopware 6, ARM64, Experimental Casual Webhosting
extra_field 8.x-1.3
file_download_link 8.x-1.1
Lando v3.0.19
node_title_validation 8.x-1.22
paragraphs_sets 8.x-2.6
paragraphs_viewmode 8.x-1.0
user_permission_condition 8.x-1.1
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